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Create a Candidate Rating Flow

Right now, the AW Computing hiring managers have to manually input a number when they rate candidates. Ling Wu wants this process to be more user friendly, with radio buttons.

To set this up for her, create a flow. Flows, which you build using Flow Builder, automate business processes by executing logic, interacting with the Salesforce database, and collecting data from users.

Create Radio Buttons for Experience

Begin creating the flow.

  1. From Setup, enter Flows in the Quick Find box and select Flows.
  2. Click New Flow.
  3. Select Start from Scratch and click Next.
  4. Under Recommended, select Screen Flow.
  5. Click Create.
  6. On the Canvas, change the Auto-Layout setting to Free-Form.
  7. Add a screen element to prompt for the Review information by dragging Screen from the palette onto the flow window.
  8. For Label, enter New Review.

Now add radio button choices to rate a candidate on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) for Experience, along with a text box for comments.

  1. Click Radio Buttons from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  2. Enter Experience in the Label field. (The API Name field will default.)
  3. Set the Data Type to Number.
  4. Click inside the Choice field, select +New Choice Resource, select Choice as the Resource Type, and fill in the details.
    • API Name: Excellent
    • Choice Label: Excellent
    • Data Type: Number
    • Choice Value: 5

The Choice Label is a rich-text field, which means formatting will be copied along with the text when copying/pasting. There are two ways to avoid this formatting issue: either manually enter "Excellent" or after copying/pasting, highlight the text and click the Remove Formatting button. Apply this same guidance for subsequent Choice Label text.

  1. Click Done.
  2. Click +Add Choice four times.
  3. Click inside the second Choice field and select +New Choice Resource.
  4. Select Choice as the Resource Type, and fill in the details.
    • API Name: VeryGood
    • Choice Label: Very Good
    • Data Type: Number
    • Choice Value: 4
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click inside the third Choice field and select +New Choice Resource.
  7. Select Choice as the Resource Type, and fill in the details.
    • API Name: Average
    • Choice Label: Average
    • Data Type: Number
    • Choice Value: 3
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click inside the fourth Choice field and select +New Choice Resource.
  10. Select Choice as the Resource Type, and fill in the details.
    • API Name:BelowAverage
    • Choice Label: Below Average
    • Data Type: Number
    • Choice Value: 2
  11. Click Done.
  12. Click inside the fifth Choice field and select +New Choice Resource.
  13. Select Choice as the Resource Type, and fill in the details.
    • API Name: Poor
    • Choice Label: Poor
    • Data Type: Number
    • Choice Value: 1
  14. Click Done.
  15. Click Text from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  16. For Label, enter Experience Comments. (The API Name field will default.)

You’ve got your first set of radio buttons, but don’t click Done on the screen just yet. 

Create Radio Buttons for Leadership Skills

Now that radio buttons and text screen elements for Experience are added to the flow, repeat the process for Leadership Skills.

  1. Click Radio Buttons from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  2. For Label, enter Leadership Skills. (The API Name field will default.)
  3. Set the Data Type to Number.
  4. Click into the Choice field and select Excellent.
  5. Click +Add Choice four times.
  6. Repeat step 4 to add Very Good, Average, Below Average, and Poor to the Choice fields.
  7. Click Text from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  8. For Label, enter Leadership Skills Comments. (The API Name field will default.)

There’s one more set of radio buttons to add—don’t click Done yet.

Create Radio Buttons for Core Competencies

Repeat the process once more for Core Competencies.

  1. Click Radio Buttons from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  2. For Label, enter Core Competencies.
  3. Set the Data Type to Number.
  4. Click into the Choice field and select Excellent.
  5. Click +Add Choice four times.
  6. Repeat step 4 to add Very Good, Average, Below Average, and Poor to the Choice fields.
  7. Click Text from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  8. For Label, enter Core Competencies Comments. (The API Name field will default.)

Add Screen Elements

Finally, add screen elements to the flow to create a checkbox and textbox so recruiters can recommend a candidate for hire.

  1. Click Checkbox from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  2. For Label, enter Recommend for Hire. (API Name field will default.)
  3. Click Text from the Input section of the palette on the left.
  4. For Label, enter Reason Recommended. (API Name field will default.)
  5. Click Done to close the screen.

Your New Review window should look like this. You can double-click the Screen element to see the details and edit the Screen.

New Review screen inputs.

Set a Start Element

Now that you’ve created the flow, set its start element.

Connect the Start element to the New Review Screen element by clicking and holding the Start circle and then dragging your cursor to the New Review element. The two elements should connect with a solid line.

Next add a Create Records element to the flow.

  1. Drag the Create Records element from the palette onto the flow window.
  2. For Label, enter createReview, and let the API name default.
  3. For How to set record field values, select Manually.
  4. For Object, select Review.
  5. Under Set Field Values for the Review, for Field, select Job Application.
  6. For Value, select +New Resource and fill in the information.
    • Resource Type: Variable
    • API Name: varJobAppId
    • Data Type: Text
    • Available for input: Select
    • Available for output: Select
  7. Click Done.
  8. Confirm that the Value that aligns with the Job Application field now contains varJobAppId.
  9. Click +Add Field 8 times, then map the rest of the values according to the chart below. (Hint: Type the first few letters of the Field or Value name, then click it when you see it.)



    Core Competencies Comments

    New Review > Core Competencies Comments

    Core Competencies

    New Review > Core Competencies

    Experience Comments

    New Review > Experience Comments


    New Review > Experience

    Leadership Skills Comments

    New Review > Leadership Skills Comments

    Leadership Skills

    New Review > Leadership Skills

    Reason Recommended

    New Review > Reason Recommended

    Recommend for Hire

    New Review > Recommend for Hire

Verify that your screen looks something like this.

Edit Create Records page, set field values for the review.

  1. Click Done.
  2. Connect the New Review screen element to the createReview element by clicking and holding the New Review circle and then dragging your cursor to the createReview element.

Add Screen Elements

Next, add a screen element to display a success message.

  1. Drag Screen from the palette onto the flow window.
  2. For Label, enter Record Created. (The API Name field will default.)
  3. Under Display on the left, click Display Text.
  4. For API Name, enter RecordCreated.
  5. In the text box, enter Your review record has been created successfully.
    Leave the Insert a resource field above the text box empty.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Connect the createReview element to the Record Created element.

Next, add a screen element to display faults for data elements.

  1. Drag Screen from the palette onto the flow window.
  2. For Label, enter Display Faults. (The API Name field will default.)
  3. Click Display Text under Display on the left.
  4. For API Name, enter Display_Fault_Message.
  5. Click the Insert a resource... box and under Global Variables, select $Flow > FaultMessage.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Connect the createReview element to the Display Faults element.
  8. Verify that your Flow looks something like this.
    Final Flow visual
  9. Click Save.
  10. For Flow Label, enter New Review.
  11. Let the Flow API Name field default.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Activate.
  14. Click back to return to Setup.

Deploy the Flow

Now that the New Review flow is set up, create a custom button for launching it.

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager and select Job Application.
  2. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  3. Select New Button or Link.
  4. For Label, enter New Review.
  5. Select Detail Page Button as the display type.
  6. Paste this link into the large text box below the Select Field Type field:
  7. Click Save, then click OK on the popup.

Now add the New Review button to the page layout.

  1. While still viewing Job Application in Object Manager, click Page Layouts.
  2. Click Down arrow next to Job Application Layout and select Edit.
  3. Click Buttons in the page layout editor.
  4. Drag the New Review button to the Custom Buttons section of the Job Application Detail. Job Application page layout editor showing the New Review custom button in the Job Application Detail section.
  5. Click Save.

You’ve completed all the steps of this project, but if you want to test this functionality in your playground, you must first edit your own user record and set the Manager to Kathy Cooper. If the running user doesn’t have a Manager value, the “Submit New Positions for Approval” approval process fails. See Edit Users for more information on how to edit your user record. 

By setting up processes, creating an approval process, and building a flow, you’ve automated several tasks for the recruiting team. With less busy work to take care of, the team can spend more of their time on the important task of finding the best candidates for the open positions at AW Computing. Well done!

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