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Embed Dashboards on Record Pages

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Embed CRM Analytics dashboards on the Manufacturing app’s home page.
  • Embed CRM Analytics dashboards on record pages.

Embed Dashboards on the Manufacturing Home Page

The CRM Analytics app for Manufacturing Cloud offers a variety of pre-configured dashboards that are full of relevant and actionable data. But data is most effective when you see it in context. Cindy decides to help account managers by adding a few dashboards to the most frequently used pages in the app.

She starts with the homepage of the app where account managers start their day. The Key Account Manager Home dashboard is a pre-configured landing page full of metrics that provide an at-a-glance view of all the dashboards. Cindy decides to add it to the homepage. You can also add it as a separate tab to your Manufacturing app. The number of cards and the type of data shown on a dashboard depend on the objects selected by the admin while creating the Analytics app.


You can also add the Manufacturing Home Page dashboard to the home page to view fewer metrics, such as revenue realization, upcoming renewals, revenue trend, and forecast accuracy percentage.

Here’s how Cindy adds the dashboard to the home page.

  1. From the App Launcher, search and select Manufacturing.
  2. On the Home page, select Setup, and then Edit Page.
  3. In the Lightning App Builder, drag the CRM Analytics Dashboard component and drop it onto the page layout.
  4. Click on the component, search for and select the dashboard Key Account Manager Home.
  5. Enter the Component Height value as 800.
  6. Select Open the Links in New Windows.
  7. Click Save, then click Activation.
  8. Select the Manufacturing app as the App Default.
  9. Click Save.

The Lightning App Builder page showing how you can drag and drop the Key Account Manager tab onto the home page of the Manufacturing app.

Cindy can now view the dashboard on the Manufacturing app home page. She notices that the metrics are carefully selected so that account managers can get both a top-down and a bottom-up view of the business. Like a movie trailer, the Key Account Manager Home Page dashboard gives you interesting analytics highlights before you get the full picture of data.

Add Dashboards to Account, Sales Agreement, and Order Pages

Apart from the home page, account managers spend most of their day on Sales Agreement, Account, and Order record pages.

Cindy wants to embed CRM Analytics dashboards on these record pages so that managers get contextual insights into pricing, partner incentives, and revenue.

Here’s what she does.

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Sales Agreements.
  2. Click any sales agreement record. Cindy selects Acme Partners 2019 Quarterly SA.
  3. ClickSetupand select Edit Page.
  4. Drag the CRM Analytics Dashboard component to the page.
  5. On the right panel, select the Sales Agreement Revenue Realization dashboard. The dashboard shows revenue realization for a sales agreement record, and how much of the planned amount till the current date has been attained.
  6. Enter the Component Height value as 200.
  7. Switch to the Filter String. Enter the following filter: {'datasets':{'MFG_SalesAgreementProductSchedule3':[{'fields':['SalesAgreementProduct.SalesAgreementId'], 'filter':{'operator': 'matches', 'values':['$Id']}}]}}
  8. Complete the following for each field:



    Show Sharing Icon


    Show Title


    Show Header


    Open Links in New Windows


    Open Dashboard in Analytics Studio


    Hide on Error


  9. Click Save, then click Activate.
  10. On the Org Default tab, click Move to the App Default, and select Assign as Org Default.
  11. Select Desktop and Phone, and click Next.
  12. Click Save.
    Dashboards embedded on the Sales Agreement record page layout.
  13. Repeat steps 1–12 for the following pages and dashboards.



Filter String

Component Height

How Does the Dashboard Help?


Account Insights Embedded



Helps you monitor the impact of rebate programs on an account’s revenue. The dashboard visualizations help you identify products for upselling and track account activity.


Order Rebates Embedded



Helps you get insights into the associated rebate programs. Managers can see how many purchases of order products are required for tier upgrade of a program member.

Sales Agreement

Sales Agreement Rebates Embedded



Helps managers get insights into the associated incentives. They can track the compliance of products that have incentives and devise strategies to improve the overall product compliance.

Cindy can now see all the embedded dashboards on  record page layouts.


You can embed the Manufacturing Agreement Performance and Manufacturing Product Performance dashboards on any object’s page layout.

Add Dashboards to Assess Targets and Rebate Programs

So far, Cindy has really helped out the sales and operations teams across Rayler Parts. She has embedded dashboards on the Manufacturing home page, and on sales objects like Accounts, Orders, and Sales Agreements. Cindy decides to help out a couple more teams. She wants rebate program managers and sales territory managers to get the same kind of analytical insights.

Rebate program managers would like to get insights about the following.

  • Which members have the highest revenue-to-payout ratio and which members are at the bottom?
  • Which products have seen the highest and lowest change in metrics such as transaction amount, payouts, and revenue-to-payout ratio?
  • How can I change my tiers to improve the revenue-to-payout ratio?
  • What’s the performance and profitability of the rebate program?

Similarly, territory managers would like to look at their yearly targets to get insights into team performance so they can better comply with organizational targets. Here are the key questions they want answers to.

  • How can I monitor the performance of my team members against their targets and uncover the areas where they need help?
  • What’s the unassigned target percentage for my team? This percentage helps territory managers reassign targets among team members and achieve targets for the region.
  • How can I identify new opportunities and expand the business with existing accounts?
  • How can I monitor the performance of products for the accounts in my region with respect to sales targets and forecast data?

By embedding dashboards Rebate Program Embedded and Team Performance-Embedded, Cindy can help them get these insights. Here’s what she does to add the dashboards.

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Rebate Programs.
  2. Click any rebate program record.
  3. ClickSetupand select Edit Page.
  4. Drag the CRM Analytics Dashboard component to the page.
  5. On the right panel, select the Rebate Program Embedded dashboard. This dashboard helps rebate program managers to monitor the performance of the program, view a leaderboard of members and products, and identify products for upselling.
  6. Enter the Component Height value as 800.
  7. Switch to the Filter String. Enter the following filter:
  1. Complete the following for each field.



Show Sharing Icon


Show Title


Show Header


Open Links in New Windows


Open Dashboard in Analytics Studio


Hide on Error


  1. Click Save, then click Activate.
  2. On the Org Default tab, click Move to the App Default, and select Assign as Org Default.
  3. Select Desktop and Phone, and click Next.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 1–12 for the following dashboard.



Filter String

Component Height

How Does the Dashboard Help?

Account Manager Target

Team Performance-Embedded



Helps you track the performance of each member of your team with respect to targets versus actual data for the current and last year.

Here's how the Rebate Program Embedded dashboard looks on a Rebate Program record page.

The Rebate Program Embedded dashboard on a Rebate Program record page.

When you log in to your special org the first time or add dashboards to a record page, you may not see any dashboard data. It can take some time for CRM Analytics to sync data and fill the dashboards. Click Refreshafter about 10 minutes to view dashboard data.

Looking Ahead

Cindy is happy with her work. It didn’t take her a long time to set up and configure dashboards that have such significant impact. She has given Rayler Parts employees access to powerful predictive and analytical tools, which they can use to grow the business. While Manufacturing Cloud and Rebate Management had already given a boost to Rayler Parts’s business, CRM Analytics has added an edge.


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