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Get Started with CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe how CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud helps the retail industry.
  • Sign up for a Developer Edition org with CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud.
  • Set up permissions and access to get the org ready.

Analyze Your Retail Business Better

Alpine Group Nutrition & Beverage is a trendsetting consumer goods company that sells food products, beverages, and apparel for health-conscious consumers. If you completed Retail Execution in Consumer Goods Cloud, you’ve met Gustavo De Luca, sales manager at Alpine Group, who tracks the performance of the field reps and creates strategies for store visits, routes, and tasks. Gustavo works closely with Fatima Daniels, the admin at Alpine Group, to set up Consumer Goods Cloud for optimizing retail activity and sales revenue.

While Consumer Goods Cloud helps account managers like Gustavo track their business, CRM Analytics helps them to analyze business data and gain useful insights. CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud is an add-on app and a comprehensive analytics solution in CRM Analytics Studio. 

A tablet displaying a CRM Analytics analytics chart inside a shopping basket.

Let’s follow along with Fatima as she sets up CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud for Alpine Group.

How CRM Analytics Sets You Up for Success

As we dive in, let’s review a few problems that Alpine Group struggles with and how CRM Analytics solves them. 


How CRM Analytics Solves It

Account managers come across a lot of data and aren't sure what to do with it.  

Empowers account and sales managers to make strategic decisions by breaking down complex data into specific metrics and data segments.

Field reps don’t understand which territories and retail stores they should be focused on to optimize their time and efforts. 

Provides easy-to-understand visual dashboards that help field reps monitor territory and store performance.

Field reps don’t have real-time visibility across product sales to make decisions about running the business. 

Offers preconfigured dashboards with a 360-degree real-time view of product performance data to empower field reps in their decision-making

Insights into Alpine’s business are not readily available because the data is tucked away in legacy ERP systems and spreadsheets.

Provides seamless integration with the Salesforce ecosystem resulting in efficient point-and-click deployment.

CRM Analytics dashboards break down data into actionable insights positioning users for success in running their business.

Get Hands-on with CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud

We don’t have any hands-on challenges in this module, but if you want to practice and try out the steps, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods and our sample data. A regular Trailhead Playground doesn’t have CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Cloud or our sample data. Here’s how to get the free Developer Edition now.

  1. Sign up for a free CRM Analytics–enabled Consumer Goods Cloud Developer Edition org.
  2. Fill out the form. For Email, enter an active email address. For Username, enter a username that looks like an email address and is unique, but it doesn't need to be a valid email account (for example,
  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it, and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question.

Write down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later.

You are now logged in to your CRM Analytics-enabled Consumer Goods Cloud Developer Edition org. You can play around with the dashboards as you follow along and progress through this module. You may not see the same data, but you’ll see the same dashboards.

Permissions and Access

For starters, Fatima Daniels, the admin at Alpine Group, needs to set up the following licenses:

  • CG Analytics Apps
  • Lightning Retail Execution Plus
  • CRM Analytics Plus

She reviews the permission sets required for CRM Analytics features and assigns herself the CRM Analytics Plus Admin and CG Analytics Admin permission sets. Next, Fatima assigns the CRM Analytics Plus User and CG Analytics User permission sets to Gustavo and his team.

Let’s review what these permission sets involve and what they enable Fatima and Gustavo to do:

  • CRM Analytics Plus Admin and CG Analytics Admin enables all permissions required to administer the CRM Analytics platform and Einstein Discovery in Consumer Goods Cloud, including permissions to create and manage CRM Analytics templated apps and Consumer Goods Cloud Apps.
  • CRM Analytics Plus User and CG Analytics User enables all permissions required to use the CRM Analytics platform, Einstein Discovery, and CRM Analytics templated apps and Consumer Goods Cloud Apps.

We’ve already enabled these permission sets for you in your special org. Let’s check out how Fatima assigns these permissions.

Assign CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods Administrator Permissions

  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and then select Users.
  2. Click the name of a user with the System Administrator profile. Fatima clicks her own name.
  3. Click Permission Set Assignments, and then click Edit Assignments.
  4. Select the following permission sets:
    • CG Analytics Admin
    • CRM Analytics Plus Admin
  5. Click Add, and then click Save.

The Permission Sets page in Setup showing the list of permission sets that must be enabled for a Consumer Goods admin.

Assign CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods User Permissions

  1. From Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box, and then select Users.
  2. Click the name of a user who requires access to Consumer Goods Analytics. Fatima clicks Gustavo.
  3. Click Permission Set Assignments, and then click Edit Assignments.
  4. Select the following permission sets:
    • CG Analytics User
    • CRM Analytics Plus User
  5. Click Add, and then click Save.

The Permission Sets page in Setup showing the list of permission sets that must be enabled for a Consumer Goods user.

Now that Fatima has assigned the necessary permission sets to Gustavo, she repeats the same steps for Chantelle and assigns her the same permissions. She has also assigned the necessary admin permissions to herself to proceed with the rest of the setup.

Fatima also needs to set field-level security for objects such as Order, so that CRM Analytics users can access all the fields that are used in the app. To use retail execution and sales data, there must be at least one record in the Order object.

  1. In Setup, search for and select Object Manager.
  2. In the Quick Find search box, enter Order to edit the field-level security of the Order Object.
  3. Select Order, then select Fields & Relationships.
  4. Select the field you want to edit, then select Set Field-Level Security. Fatima selects the field Account Name.
  5. For the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile, select Visible, and click Save.
  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for all the fields you want to use.
  7. When you’re done, clear your browser’s cache. This may mean you have to log back in.

Now that Fatima has set up permissions and access for the CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods app, let’s follow along with her as she enables CRM Analytics in the org.


Don’t worry, we’ve already enabled this for you in your special Developer Edition org. If you’d like to know the steps to enable it, we’ve included them as a reference below. 

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. Enter Getting Started in the Quick Find box, and then select Getting Started under Analytics.
  3. Click Enable CRM Analytics.

CRM Analytics is now enabled in your special org. 

The Getting Started page in Setup showing CRM Analytics enabled in the org.

Check Data Requirements

Fatima is pleased to know that CRM Analytics only has a few data requirements. These include:

  • The app can be created as long as the org uses record types.
  • There’s at least one record in the following objects.
    • Account
    • RetailStore
    • Visit
    • RetailVisitKpi
    • Product2
    • Orders (This object is required only if you want CRM Analytics to use retail execution and sales data)

Retail visit KPIs are created based on retail store KPIs. For more information, see Assessment Tasks. For information on creating a retail store KPI, see Create a Retail Store KPI.

While creating the app, if your org’s data doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, you’ll see a message describing what to fix.

Since Alpine Group has been operational for a few years now with Consumer Goods Cloud, it has plenty of records in these objects. Fatima is now ready to set up the CRM Analytics app for Consumer Goods Cloud. Let’s go!


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