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Get to Know the Essentials Advisors Program

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the Essentials Advisors Program.
  • Explain why the Essential Advisors Program was created.


Any small business owner will tell you that the challenge of keeping a small business growing and thriving is no small feat. Small business owners often lack the time and resources to complete their day job and maintain a healthy work/life balance, let alone implement and adopt a new CRM into their everyday routine. Even those small business owners who have implemented a CRM like Salesforce Essentials can need help getting started. And still other small business owners can be completely new to Salesforce. Sound overwhelming? Here’s the good news: The Essentials Advisors Program was designed to help small business owners who are facing these types of challenges.

But before we talk about the Essentials Advisors Program, let’s talk a little bit about Salesforce Essentials for Small Business. 

Salesforce Essentials for Small Business

With Essentials for small business, Salesforce is addressing the needs of a unique customer audience. Working in the small and medium-size business (SMB) space has presented challenges that are particular to small businesses and has given Salesforce the opportunity to develop innovative solutions to help SMB customers succeed. 

Small business owners wear multiple hats and one of their biggest challenges is time—or rather, the lack of it. Owners of small businesses know that the relationships they create with their customers are the most critical components for the growth of their business. They focus the majority of their time connecting and nurturing these relationships to build brand loyalty. With that in mind, small businesses need a CRM that is fast, easy to set up, easy to use, and most importantly, lets them focus on developing their customer relationships.  

Salesforce Essentials brings the power of Salesforce to small businesses and provides them the opportunity to grow and thrive on the platform. With Essentials, customers can get started quickly without needing an admin to be onboarded. They can use Essentials to improve the sales and service sides of their business and keep all of their customer data in one centralized location. Let’s see how Meggie Palmer from PepTalkHer uses Salesforce Essentials to grow her business and enhance her customer relationships. 

As Meggie says, “Tracking leads in one place frees me to help customers faster.” Providing fast and excellent customer support improves the chances that customers return as repeat business and enhances the trust with a brand. Meggie is one of the many Essentials customers who is finding success with Salesforce. 

The Essentials Advisors Program

To help Salesforce Essentials customers even more, we created the Essentials Advisors Program. The Essentials Advisors Program brings together two groups of individuals: Essentials customers and new and aspiring admins. Essentials customers in the program get help overcoming roadblocks they can encounter on their Salesforce journey. And new and aspiring Salesforce admins are trained on all things Essentials to become trusted advisors. Essentials customers get help when they need it most, and new and aspiring admins get a head start on their future Salesforce careers. 

Sound good? In the next unit, we discuss the benefits of the Essentials Advisors Program in even more detail. 


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