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Get to Know Salesforce Digital Wallet

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Define Digital Wallet.
  • Explain how Digital Wallet helps you monitor your product consumption.

Before You Start

Before you start this module, consider completing the Consumption-Based Products: Quick Look badge.

What Is Digital Wallet?

Digital Wallet is a free account management tool that offers near real-time usage data for your consumption-based Salesforce products. Consumption-based products allow you to pay for what you use rather than per user. You can learn more in the Consumption-Based Products: Quick Look module. For your Digital Wallet-enabled Salesforce products, your org can purchase increments of consumption — either a bucket of “credits” to use throughout a period of time or a set “capacity” of data storage your org must stay within.

As you interact with your Digital Wallet-enabled products and draw down your entitlement of credits or capacity, Digital Wallet gives you a variety of ways to monitor your consumption.

  • Pool consumption across contracts: Understand your total usage spanning all active contracts that have the same products
  • Monitor product usage: Track overall product usage to understand how much you’ve used and how much you have left
  • Detect consumption trends: Detect trends over time and identify patterns for better budgeting and buying decisions

Quick Reference

Before we go further into Digital Wallet, let’s review some key terms.



Usage Type

Metrics-defined resources offered by consumption-based products


The amount of usage credits, capacity, or other digital currency your org purchases for a Digital Wallet card


A container for a group of usage types and their entitlements on your homepage


Increments of usage that are deducted as you interact with certain Digital Wallet-enabled products


Increments of usage for certain Digital Wallet-enabled products that allow you to store data or files

Digital Wallet Permissions and Access

Digital Wallet access is only available for consumption-based products and stock keeping units (SKUs) that are integrated with Data Cloud. To view Digital Wallet-enabled product data in the interface, you must have the following:

  • Active contracts to use a Digital Wallet-enabled product. More product availability is coming soon!
  • The View Consumption Cards permission checked on your user profile in the Setup menu

To see how system administrators can grant others access to Digital Wallet, see the Digital Wallet Permissions guide.

Once you have the proper permissions, you can access Digital Wallet from any platform app by searching “Consumption Cards” (1) in the app launcher or through the Your Account app (2).

Key Benefits of Salesforce Digital Wallets

Pooled Consumption Across Contracts

When we refer to usage types, they can be anything from SMS messages to data queries. To learn more about usage types, check out Consumption-Based Products: Quick Look.

In Digital Wallet, related usage types are grouped and sold together with an amount of consumption called your “entitlement.” Depending on the usage types, your org could have a bucket of consumption credits or a capacity of data storage as its entitlement.

Each group of usage types and your org’s entitlement for them are displayed in containers called “cards” on your Digital Wallet homepage. If the same Digital Wallet SKU appears on multiple contracts in your org, Digital Wallet combines the relevant entitlements into the same card. This way the system can pool and draw down the usage from all the contracts feeding the entitlements grouped on that card.

Even if contract durations or the amounts of consumption credits purchased are different, Digital Wallet will automatically draw down your usage from all relevant contracts on a card in a way that helps you get the most out of your usage entitlements. Specifically, Digital Wallet always draws from the contract that will expire first.

Tools to Monitor Overall Consumption

On the Digital Wallet homepage, each card gives you a skimmable overview of how many credits or how much capacity you’ve used and have left based on the contract or contracts feeding into that card.

Screenshot of Digital Wallet cards and usage overviews on the homepage

Along with your near-real-time data, the primary billing contact at your company will also receive a Monthly Account Summary email on the 10th of every month summarizing your company’s consumption from the previous month. Each contract that contains a consumption-based product will get a separate Monthly Account Summary email.


Monthly Account Summaries are not to be confused with invoices that get issued if you have exceeded your purchased allowance. In the event of a discrepancy, the invoice will prevail over any inconsistent information in the monthly account summary.

Tools to Detect Consumption Trends

After clicking a card on the homepage, you’ll be taken to the Consumption Insights page where you can check out the consumption data for that card. The Consumption Insights page offers easy-to-navigate charts where you can view how much of a set of usage types your org used on a certain day or over a specific period of time. Additionally, on the Consumption Insights page you can see all the usage types and subtypes associated with the card, along with their multipliers, and how many units of usage were consumed for that card within the time period you selected.

Screenshot of Salesforce Digital Wallet bar chart and pie chart detailing usage by time period and usage type

Be sure to check out our help guides for a closer look at all things Salesforce Digital Wallet. Now you understand the features of Digital Wallet and how you can easily use and monitor your product consumption.


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