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Create Programs and Rebate Types

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create rebate programs and enroll members.
  • Define rebate types.
  • Explain how accruals are calculated.
  • Add eligibility criteria.

Create a Program and Add Members

Rishi has all the information he needs to create his first rebate program with Rebate Management. Here’s what he does.

  1. Click App Launcher, and find and select Rebate Programs.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify the following details:
    1. Name: Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners
    2. Status: Draft
    3. Start Date: First day of the current year.
    4. End Date: Last date of the current year.
    5. Frequency: Monthly
    6. Payout Calculation Days: 10
    7. Transaction Grace Days: 5
    8. Description: Rebate program for partners in APAC offering volume and growth-based incentives.

The record page of the Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners

Let’s go over a few details of the program. The rebate program will be valid for a year and have monthly payouts. 10 days after the end of each month, the previous month’s transactions and payouts will be processed, and the amounts will be stored in the objects Rebate Payout and Rebate Member Product Aggregate. 

Rishi has added a grace period of 5 days so that partners can submit claims and invoices for a particular month 5 days after the end of the month. For example, the payout for January FY 2022 period will take into account all transactions from January 1 through February 5, and the payout will be calculated on February 10.

Next, Rishi creates the payout periods. He can create them manually or generate them automatically based on the program’s frequency. Rishi decides to create them automatically.

  1. Open the Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners record.
  2. On the header of the rebate program, click Generate Payout Periods.

Rishi can view all 12 payout periods in the Related tab of the rebate program record.

The record page of Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners showing Payout Periods and the Generate Payout Periods action

The names of monthly payout periods are populated based on the program’s frequency and the fiscal year of the Salesforce org. The names are in the Frequency Fiscal Year format. For example, the name of the first payout period generated for this program for the fiscal year 2022 is January FY 2022. You can rename payout periods after they are generated. Once payouts are calculated for a particular period, the timestamp is populated in the Last Calculation Date field of the period.

Rishi must now enroll partners into the program. He has already created a list view of all partner accounts that are eligible for this program. To learn how to create a list view, see Work with List Views in Lightning Experience.

Rishi can either add one member at a time or add multiple members by adding the list view.

  • Rebate programs can contain multiple accounts from a segmented list or can be targeted to a single account, depending on how your org manages rebate programs.
  • Payouts are calculated only for active members.

Here’s what Rishi does.

  1. In the Related tab of Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners record, go to the Members list.
  2. Click Add Member List.
  3. Search for and select Partners for the APAC Rebate Program in Account List View.
  4. Select Members Status as Active.
  5. Click Save.

The Add Member List window showing the account list view name and member status

Since Cindy has set up an approval process for adding members to a rebate program, Rishi’s supervisors quickly approve the added members so Rishi can proceed with defining rebate types.

Define Rebate Types

Now it’s time for Rishi to define the rebate type for the Annual Rebates Program for APAC. Remember that Rayler Parts wants this program to be volume-based. 

To select the Aggregate by Member with Aggregate Item Details DPE definition as the value in the Calculation Definition field for a rebate type, clone the template. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click Setup, and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Data Processing Engine.
  3. Under Workflow Services, click Data Processing Engine.
  4. Click the Aggregate by Member with Aggregate Item Details job name where the Template check box is selected.
  5. Click Save As on the header, and enter a name of your choice.
  6. Click Save.

Here’s how Rishi creates the rebate type.

  1. In the Related tab of the Annual Rebates Program for APAC Partners record, go to the Rebate Types list.
  2. Click New, and specify the following values:
    1. Name: Volume-Based
    2. Status: Inactive
    3. Calculation Type: Aggregate Based
    4. Calculation Definition: Aggregate by Member with Aggregate Item Details
    5. Aggregation Object: Rebate Member Product Aggregate
    6. Measure Type: Amount Per Unit
    7. Measure Field: Total Quantity
    8. Benefit Qualifier Field: Total Quantity
    9. Calculation Method: Retrospective
    10. Calculation Basis: Payout and Accrual
    11. Accrual Rate: 30
    12. Integratable: True
    13. Product Filter Type: Include Products
  3. Click Save.

The record page of the Volume-Based rebate type

Accrue and Plan Ahead

Rishi works side-by-side with the finance team at Rayler Parts to ensure the availability of sufficient funds for timely payouts to members. While Rishi can refer to payout amounts directly when they are calculated, these payouts can sometimes show only a part of the picture. If members achieve higher benefit thresholds during a payout period, a mismatch can occur between the payout amount Rishi sees mid-period and the actual payout amount at the end of the period.

To plan expenditure accurately, Rishi wants to project the potential payout attainment values simultaneously with the calculation of the actual payout amounts. For this, he must use accruals. An accrual is a projected amount for rebate payouts calculated based on a flat rate. Accruals are calculated up front, while payouts are calculated or updated when the flows run.

Rishi wants to ensure that there are no surprises for the finance team in case any program members attain the highest benefit tier, which means selling 201 or more units total. He sets the accrual rate to 30, which is equal to the $30 benefit for the top tier. On the other hand, payouts would be determined based on the benefit tier that the partner actually attains. 

To ensure this, he checks the values of the following fields on the Volume-Based rebate type record.

  • Calculation Basis: Payout and Accrual
  • Measure Type: Amount Per Unit
  • Measure Field: Total Quantity
  • Accrual Rate: 30

The record page of the Volume-Based rebate type with the fields related to accrual calculations highlighted

Here’s what the rebate payouts and accruals look like for three transactions by Meridian Partners in the March FF 2022 payout period. The payout period begins on March 1 and ends on March 31, 2022.

While the payout amount is calculated as Total Quantity*Applied Benefit, the accrued amount is calculated as Total Quantity*Accrual Rate.

Transaction Date Total Quantity Applied Benefit Tier Applied Benefit Payout Amount Accrual Rate Accrued Amount

March 8, 2022


101–200 units





March 17, 2022


101–200 units




March 29, 2022






The payout calculations for the first two transactions give an incorrect view of the attainment values. However, with the accrual calculations, Rishi can get more accurate projections that match the payout amount at the end of the period. 

To learn more, see Manage Accruals and Payouts.

Set Eligibility Criteria

Rishi wants to filter eligible transactions for the rebate type based on two conditions: one for products and another for sales channels.

He starts with the product-based eligibility condition. Partners must sell hammers or trenching buckets to be eligible for the rebate type. Rishi must use the Included or Excluded Products feature to add this prerequisite. 

First, he checks that the Product Filter Type field on the Rebate Incentive object is set to Include Products. Then, he needs to add the list views for the two product types. Luckily, Cindy has already created the list views for Hammers and Trenching Buckets product types. 

Now, all Rishi has to do is add these list views.

  1. Open the Volume-Based rebate type record.
  2. In the Included or Excluded Products related list, select Add Product List.
  3. Add and select the Hammers list view.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2–4 to add the Trenching Buckets list view.

The record page of the Volume-Based rebate type showing the Included or Excluded Product list and the Add Product List action

He moves on to the second eligibility condition. Partner sales must come from the ecommerce sales channel to avail the benefits. To add this condition, Rishi must create an eligibility criteria. 

  1. Open the Volume-Based rebate type record.
  2. On the header, click Quick Actions, and select Define Eligibility.
  3. Add the following in one row:
    • Field: Sales Channel
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: eCommerce
  4. Click Save.

The Define Eligibility screen showing eligibility criteria for selected sales channel

Rishi is almost done. All he has to do now is define the benefit tier setup and activate the program.


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