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Track a Grant

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a new grant opportunity record.
  • Track stages of the grant opportunity lifecycle from research to receiving.

The Grant Opportunity Lifecycle in NPSP

Grant management can be time-consuming because there are several stages of the grant lifecycle. Because your grants process may include multiple collaborators, it’s important that everyone on your team has a single source of truth. With NPSP, they can check the current stage of a grant, and analyze parts of the process that may need improvement or additional support.

With the grant opportunity record in NPSP, you can track the entire lifecycle of a grant, from research to receiving. Watch the video to see how to create a new grant opportunity record and follow along as the grant moves through each stage.

Get Hands-on with Nonprofit Success Pack

If you want some practice with these concepts, we’ve got you covered. Download the Hands-On Training Guide to get started.

When you’re ready to keep going, join us in the next Trailhead module in the Begin with Nonprofit Success Pack series: Campaigns, Reports, and Dashboards in NPSP.


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Qu’est-ce que vous y gagnez ?
  • Obtenez des recommandations personnalisées pour vos objectifs de carrière
  • Mettez en pratique vos compétences grâce à des défis pratiques et à des questionnaires
  • Suivez et partagez vos progrès avec des employeurs
  • Découvrez des opportunités de mentorat et de carrière