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Create an Interactive Email with AMP

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the AMP for Email components.
  • Use AMP tools to build your email.
  • Create a carousel email using AMP in Content Builder.

Components of AMP

Like most things, AMP is best learned through practice. In this module, we cover the fundamentals to get you started. We suggest you also review the AMP Dev site to fully learn the tool’s functionality.  

Let’s start by reviewing some of the most helpful supported email components. These are the building blocks for creating AMP emails. 

Component Description Example Considerations

Dynamic <amp-form>

  • Allows you to create forms to submit input fields in an AMP document.
  • Use this element for submission, submit-success, and submit-error.

Include forms like RSVPs, preference centers, reviews, and others in your emails. Customers can submit info without leaving the inbox.

  • The action-xhrattribute must be used in place of the regular action attribute.
  • Can be used in conjunction with <template type="amp-mustache"> to render a response.

Dynamic <amp-list>

  • Dynamically downloads data and creates list items using a template.
  • Remotely fetches JSON data that is rendered by <amp-mustache>.

Use the list component for real-time updates, such as displaying the number of tickets left at an event, product inventory, or order status. 

  • Fallback is the name of the attribute used by AMP, but should not be confused with the more common use of fallback, which is the version of an email that an opener sees if their inbox does not support AMP.
  • Binding to the [src]attribute is not allowed. Including user credentials with credentials="include" is also prohibited.

Dynamic <amp-bind> and <amp-bind-macro>

  • Simple scripting language in AMP that allows the manipulation of a state machine for interactions between elements.
  • Can be used to add behavior (like a calculation) to certain events.

Create compelling web-like layouts where users can click to change the content in the email. For example, create a tabbed email format with content hidden behind each tab, or hide and reveal product details without having to leave the email.  

  • Can’t bind to [href] or [src].
  • Can’t use the AMP.print, AMP.navigateTo, and AMP.goBack actions.

Layout <amp-accordion>

  • A UI element that facilitates showing or hiding different sections.
  • Include multiple categories of information without cluttering the email.

Include lists of product color, size, or price range that can be collapsed. 

  • The first tag used in an accordion section must be a <h1>-<h6> or <header> to define the heading.

Layout <amp-timeago>

  • A component that allows for rendering time within an email.
  • Use this component to add in information about dates.

Display a countdown until a new product launch or event; show a countdown to show how much time is left until an offer expires.

  • This function isn’t a precise timestamp.
  • Can be used as time from or time until.

Layout <amp-carousel>

  • A carousel UI component that can add multiple slides of content to your email.

Show multiple images in a carousel format with arrows that enable the user to cycle through them.

  • Use any type of HTML elements.

Be sure to check out all of the AMP for Email supported components.

AMP Code

In addition to components, there are also some specific requirements when using AMP for Email.

  1. The html tag must include: <html ⚡4email lang="en"> or <html amp4email>
  2. The <head>tag must also contain a <script> tag that loads the AMP runtime: <script async src=""></script>
  3. Include this CSS boilerplate to hide the content until AMP is loaded: <style amp4email-boilerplate>body{visibility:hidden}</style>
  4. Replace all HTML img tags with <amp-img>

Here is the base code with the required elements for an AMP email.

<!doctype html>
<html ⚡4email lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script async src=""></script>
<style amp4email-boilerplate>body{visibility:hidden}</style>
Hello, AMP4EMAIL world.

AMP Made Easy

Good news—you don’t need to memorize the nuances of AMP. The Gmail AMP for Email Playground (not to be confused with the playgrounds used here on Trailhead) is an external environment that was created to build and validate AMP for Email code. Build and validate your code with the Email Playground.

All the required components of an AMP email are loaded for you, so you can develop, test, and validate (1) your code right within the playground interface. You can also view and edit already created code examples (2) using the components you want in your emails, like lists or carousels.

 And you don’t have to start from scratch, because you can pull in the HTML version of your email and build from there. 


Review the full list of which HTML tags are allowed in an AMP email.

A Note on Accessibility

It is important to note that the tag <html ⚡4email> is used in the Playground. To follow accessibility best practices, we recommend adding a language attribute to this tag, like: <html ⚡4email lang="en">.

Since learning takes practice, let’s work through an example together. Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO), an outdoor gear and apparel retailer, sends a standard tent sale email that could benefit from using AMP for Email. Isabelle Givens, NTO marketing manager, wants to update the hero image of the existing email to include a carousel of all tent options.  

Technical marketer and email coder extraordinaire, Michele Hansley, is excited to begin using AMP to help Isabelle realize her vision. She first creates the HTML email in Content Builder and saves the content block.

Carousel AMP Code

Next, Michele opens the AMP for Email playground website. She starts by pasting in the HTML code inside the <body>of the playground code. She then adds in the carousel components and associated images. 


Want to see the sample code versions for this email? Check out the Carousel Code Sample documentation. Copy and paste the code into the AMP for Email Playground to see the interactive carousel in action! 

Michele confirms in the playground that her code passed validation. Playground image with carousel and validations success.

Create Your Email in Content Builder

In this module, we assume you are a Marketing Cloud Engagement user with the proper permissions to build emails in Marketing Cloud Engagement. If you’re not, that’s OK. Read along to learn how you would take the steps in a production org. Don’t try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. Marketing Cloud Engagement isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground. 


If you don’t see AMP options available in Content Builder, confirm you have Pro Edition or higher. If you have the right edition but still don’t see AMP options, reach out to your admin to ensure AMP for Email is enabled in Setup under Content Builder Settings.

Now with the AMP code in hand, Michele logs in to Marketing Cloud Engagement to build her final email. Here’s how.

  1. She navigates to Content Builder.
  2. Clicks the +Create button and selects Email Message.
  3. From the Select Creation Options dropdown, you can select either Template + AMP or HTML + AMP. Michele selects HTML + AMP since she already created her default email in HTML.Create Email options with HTML+AMP selected.
  4. Next Michele names the email and adds a description.Define Email Properties with name as a required field.
  5. She clicks Next.

Add Content

To ensure compatibility across all mail clients, Michele needs to create three versions of her email.

  • HTML fallback version (1)
  • Plain text (2) version
  • AMP (3) version

 The interface even includes a link to the AMP playground (4) for easy development.

AMP email with version options

</> Code View (Fallback Content)

Since Michele is prepared, she starts with the code view, also called the fallback content, for subscribers who don’t use an email client that supports AMP.

  1. She clicks Browse from the Code View page.
  2. She locates her HTML content block, NTO Tent Sales, and selects the existing content block.

Plain Text Content

  1. Next, she clicks the Plain Text tab.
  2. She pastes in the text from her email and before she forgets, she clicks Save.

AMP Content

Now she adds in the AMP code.

  1. Click the tab for AMP within your Content Builder email.
  2. With the AMP Playground open in another window, Michele copies the AMP code into the Content Builder canvas.AMP code screen in Content Builder.
  3. Once copied, she clicks Save.

With the coding done, she adds in her Subject Line and Preheader, and moves on to preview her email!

It’s important that you test your AMP code in the AMP Playground, and you test your email before sending in several different email clients.

Let’s check out the visual comparison between NTO’s fallback content and the interactive content with a carousel powered by AMP. Remember, you can check out the interactive version in all its glory in the AMP Playground.

NTO email on the left with the fallback version and NTO email on the right with an interactive carousel.

Now you know the fundamentals of creating content using AMP for Email. With the right tools and a solid understanding, let’s check out some additional use cases and code in the next unit. 


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