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Finalize Your Insurance Setup

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

  • Customize the insurance agent console home page.
  • Create action plan templates for insurance objects.
  • Outline the considerations for life events and business milestones.
  • List the considerations for policies and claims.

Customize the Insurance Agent Console Home Page

By default, the home page of the Insurance Agent Console app shows various performance metrics and report charts. Matt chooses which metrics and charts to show based on Cumulus users’ needs.

  1. On the Insurance Agent Console home page, from Setup, select Edit Page.
  2. Select the Insurance Agent Performance Metrics component.
  3. In the Properties pane, select up to five metrics to show on the home page.
  4. Select the Insurance Agent Performance Reports component.
  5. In the Properties pane, select up to four charts to show on the home page.
  6. Select the Insurance Agent Action Items component.
  7. In the Properties pane, select up to four metrics to show on the home page.
  8. Select a time period.
    • The time period that you select applies to only policy-related metrics. Other metrics related to cases, claims, leads, and opportunities display the total count irrespective of the time period.
  9. Save your changes.
  10. In the Page Saved dialog, click Activate. Or click Activation on the home page.
  11. On the App and Profile tab, click Assign to Apps and Profiles.
  12. In the wizard, select Insurance Agent Console, select the appropriate profiles, and then click Save.

Here’s what the Insurance Agent Console home page now looks like.

Create Action Plan Templates for Insurance Objects

Matt creates action plan templates for the Person Life Event, Business Milestone, Insurance Policy, Insurance Policy Coverage, and Claim objects. He uses the action plan templates to capture repeatable tasks and automatically assign task owners and deadlines. For more examples, see the Action Plans in Financial Services Cloud Trailhead module. 

Considerations for Life Events and Business Milestones

Review these points to better understand the information that appears on the Life Events or Business Milestones component.

  • When you convert a person account to a business account, you retain the associated life events. However, they don’t appear as business milestones; they are displayed on the Related tab on the account record page.
  • When you convert a business account to a person account, the associated business milestones are deleted.
  • If you mark a life event type or business milestone type as unique, you can have only one event or milestone of that type. This includes the expired event or milestone.

Considerations for Policies and Claims

Review these points to better understand the information that appears on the Policy component.

  • When you hover over the Open Claims KPI (key performance indicator), the expanded lookup card only shows a View All link when three or more claims are open. The View All link opens the Claims list view. Edit the compact layout for the Claim object to include more fields on the lookup card.
  • When you hover over the Up for Renewal KPI, the expanded lookup card only shows a View All link when three or more policies are up for renewal. The View All link opens the Insurance Policies list view. Edit the compact layout for the Insurance Policy object to include more fields on the lookup card.
  • A KPI only includes a record when certain fields in that record are populated and they match the criteria specific to that KPI. For example, when calculating Premium Paid, a policy is only counted when it meets all these criteria:
    • The policy is owned by the user whose records you are viewing.
    • The policy is active (IsActive = True).

Use this table to learn how KPIs are calculated.




Premium Paid    

The sum of the active policy premiums.    

SUM (GrossWrittenPremium) FROM InsurancePolicy WHERE NameInsuredId = Current Account AND IsActive = TRUE

Up for Renewal    

The list of active policies that are pending renewal in the next 90 days.    

Policies FROM InsurancePolicy WHERE NameInsuredId = Current Account AND IsActive = TRUE AND RenewalDate in next 90 days, ORDER BY RenewalDate

Open Claims    

User’s open claims list.    

Claims FROM Claim WHERE AccountId = Current Account AND IsClosed = FALSE, ORDER BY LastModifiedDate

Claims Paid    

The sum of the approved and paid amount for all closed claims.    

SUM (ApprovedAmount) FROM Claim WHERE AccountId = Current Account AND IsClosed = TRUE AND ApprovedAmount Is Not Null

Sum It Up

Because one size doesn’t fit all, Matt customizes the Insurance Agent Console app’s home page for the express needs of Cumulus staff, including sales agents like Zeynep and service reps like Zaw. 

With the final finishing touches out of the way, Cumulus’s dream team is ready to usher in true digital transformation to their insurance business. Insurance for Financial Services Cloud provides a unified experience to help policyholders and their families protect what they care about. 

Insurance Agent Console unlocks a complete view of agents and service reps’ KPIS, which helps them supercharge their productivity, grow their books of business, and deliver exceptional service.

The console app also unveils a unified, 360-degree view of policyholders’ policy info, coverages, claims, and even life events. This is possible because the console app provides a single frontend for multiple backend systems like policy admin, claims, and billing systems.

Now policy data that previously lived in multiple disparate and antiquated systems can interact, making it possible for Cumulus staff to truly understand and empathize with their client’s needs. And thus, Cumulus may have achieved the ultimate goal of client service: personalization par excellence.


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