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Manage the Distributed Marketing Experience

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Connect a campaign to a journey.
  • Enable journeys for Quick Send.
  • Create a campaign marketplace.
  • Test your setup.

You finished installing and setting up Distributed Marketing. The final step is to get approved, branded content to your end users so they can start sending powerful messages to customers! In this unit, we look at how the Distributed Marketing admin, who is typically an advanced marketer, connects journeys to campaigns or Quick Send, and adds Campaign Marketplace. Finally, we show you how to test your setup to make sure you’re good to go. 


All of these tasks require the DMAdministrator License permission set and administrator permission (mcdm_15 namespace).

Connect a Campaign to a Journey

As you’ve learned, a Marketing Cloud Engagement journey includes the events and messages that you create as part of your customer journey strategy. Connecting a Marketing Cloud Engagement journey to a campaign in other clouds lets your business users access journey content without logging into Marketing Cloud Engagement. 

In the previous unit, you added the campaign message component to the Campaign object. To connect a journey to a campaign and share it with business users, navigate to Campaigns in Salesforce, and click the campaign that you want to connect. In the Campaign Messages component, click Connect Campaign.

The Campaign Messages component

Search for an active Marketing Cloud Engagement journey to associate with this campaign, and select the journey. (If you’ve added multiple business units to Distributed Marketing, select a business unit and then select the journey.) That’s it! Your campaign and journey are connected. The Campaign Messages component displays email and SMS (text) activities for the connected journey. 

Did you add the wrong journey? No problem. In the Campaign Messages component, you can click Settings and click Manage Journey to choose a different journey, as long as no one added members to the campaign yet. 


When you’re ready, use your normal sharing method to share the campaign with business users. Business users can preview, modify, and send content to an audience they choose. They can even change default content to help streamline repeated changes. Keep in mind that if you applied Salesforce sharing rules for business units, then to view and send content, the business user needs access to both the business unit and the campaign.  

Enable Quick Send Journeys

As you’ve learned, Quick Send enables users to send an email directly to a contact, lead, or person account. After you add the Quick Send component to record layouts, enable single-email journeys so that users can access the journeys in the component.

To enable a journey for Quick Send:

  1. In App Launcher, navigate to Distributed Marketing Administration.
  2. Select the journey that you want to enable from the Available Journeys list, and click Add.
  3. Click Apply Changes.

Quick Send Journeys screen: The Cumulus business unit is selected. In the Available Journeys list, Thank you and Donor Info (Quick Send) is selected. Click Add to move the selected journey to the Enabled for Quick Send list.

It’s important to note that Quick Send supports only journeys that meet two requirements: the journey allows reentry and the journey has only one Send Email activity. And, if you’ve applied sharing rules to business units, you need to grant the business user access to the appropriate business unit.

Add Campaign Marketplace

Most of your business users don’t want to spend time scrolling through long lists of available content. Fortunately, you can organize your content with Campaign Marketplace. Create and share collections—or marketplaces—of campaigns based on common categories, themes, and intentions. For example, create marketplaces for new content, featured content, hot topics, fundamentals, and thought leadership campaigns.

You can customize the look and feel of each marketplace to highlight important information, and because each marketplace is powered by a list view, it’s super simple to create and manage. You can even add a custom image to each campaign’s marketplace tile.

Example of a Campaign Marketplace

Check out Set Up Campaign Marketplace on Salesforce Help for more information.

Test Your Setup

Now that you’ve completed the installation and setup of Distributed Marketing, it's time to test your setup and make sure that everything works as expected. To test, you create an email in Marketing Cloud Engagement Content Builder, activate a journey in Marketing Cloud Engagement Journey Builder, and then interact with the email and the journey in Sales Cloud.


We use Sales Cloud as an example in this unit, but the process is applicable to all compatible clouds.

Create Marketing Cloud Engagement Content 

To create Marketing Cloud Engagement content:

  1. In Marketing Cloud Engagement, navigate to Content Builder.
  2. Create an HTML email.
  3. Drag the Distributed Marketing Image, Plain Text, or Rich Text content blocks to the email.
  4. Configure the content blocks to your liking.
  5. Include required information such as a physical mailing address and a profile center link. You can use a system-generated footer to automatically include such information.

Building an email in Content Builder: Drag a block from the Blocks panel to an empty content block space in the email.

Tip: Did you know that you can create or edit Content Builder emails directly in Journey Builder? This is a great way to reduce clicks when creating or maintaining content used with Distributed Marketing.

Next, we create a journey and add the new email to the journey.

Create a Marketing Cloud Engagement Journey

As you’ve learned, journeys are integral to the Distributed Marketing experience. Let’s create a journey in Marketing Cloud Engagement to use as a Quick Send or Campaign Send.

  1. In Marketing Cloud Engagement Journey Builder, click Create.
  2. Drag the API Event entry source onto the journey canvas.
  3. Configure the entry source with the unique event data extension that you created earlier in this module.
  4. Drag a single send email activity onto the canvas.
  5. Configure the activity with the email and sender profile that you created earlier in this module.
  6. Select the contact entry mode. To use this journey with Quick Send, choose either Re-entry at any time or Re-entry only after exiting.
  7. Name the journey and add a description. Let’s name this one DM Test Email.
  8. Save and activate the journey.

The test journey in Journey Builder with a defined entry event and a single email send activity.

Tip: Always update your Journey Builder activity if you make changes to the underlying content. A great way to remember this is to make content modifications in Journey Builder.

Now we check Sales Cloud to confirm that the journey and email appear.

Send Your First Quick Send


You need Distributed Marketing administrator permission sets to see this.

As long as the journey you created has the proper configuration and is in a business unit that you’ve added to Distributed Marketing, it’s an available journey in the Quick Send Journeys list. 

  1. In Sales Cloud, navigate to app launcher, and select Distributed Marketing Administration.
  2. Check out the Quick Send Journeys section of the page.
  3. Select DM Test Email.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click Apply Changes.

Select DM Test Email in the Quick Send Journeys section of the Distributed Marketing Administration page. To enable the journey for Quick Send, click Add.

It’s as easy as that. Now business users who have access to the new journey’s business unit can select, personalize, and send the new email to anyone in their book of business. Let’s see what the send process looks like.

Navigate to a contact, lead, or person account record in Sales Cloud. (We suggest you use a contact that has your personal email address so that when you click Send, you can actually receive the new email.) On the Quick Send Messages component, click the Messages field and search for your test message. Then click Edit  to customize the message.

A window opens and the message is ready for you to personalize and send. By default, the window opens in preview mode, so click Edit to check out what you can do with Distributed Marketing content blocks. The elements that you can interact with are highlighted. Simply click an element to personalize it. When you’re finished editing and ready to test, click Send. (Again, make sure you’re using a contact record with your email address and not a real customer’s email address.) 

Congratulations on your hard work!

Campaign Sends

You’ve seen a Quick Send example, but what about messaging groups of people, and more complicated engagements, such as multi-message journeys? For those, you use campaigns in Distributed Marketing. Plus, campaigns come with some cool extra features like campaign influence reports, more sharing models, and campaign marketplaces (as you learned earlier). 

To test campaign sends: 

  1. In Sales Cloud, navigate to a campaign record.
  2. Connect the campaign to the test journey that you created. (Follow the steps we walked through earlier to connect a campaign to a journey).
  3. After the campaign connects to the journey, verify that your test email appears in the Campaign Messages component.

To preview the content, click Preview  in the campaign messages component. Notice how the modal opened in edit mode? This is also where you and your business users can create default modifications to emails. 

Type something into a Distributed Marketing text block to see what happens.

After you make any default modifications you want, create your target audience. 

  1. On the standard Campaign Members component, click Add Contacts.
  2. Select and add your personal contact record to the campaign.
  3. Refresh the page. You should see the View Pending Members button on the Campaign Message component.
  4. To see a list of campaign members who have not been sent messages yet, click View Pending Members. See yourself in the list?
  5. Select the checkbox next to your name.
  6. Click Personalize.
  7. Check out the content areas that you edited earlier. Your revisions are now the default values. Personalize the message more if you like, then click Save & Close.
  8. Click Approve.
  9. Click Submit to send the message to yourself.

Submit does for Campaign Send what Send does for Quick Send. The campaign sends your personalized messages following the cadence defined on the journey.

Ready to Help Users Get Started with Distributed Marketing?

In this module, you learned how Journey Builder and Distributed Marketing work together to share data across clouds and control your brand in messages. You completed the installation and setup, and you configured the Distributed Marketing user experience. Now you’re ready to help your users uncover the power of sending branded messages quickly and easily so that they can engage customers and build strong relationships.


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