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Prepare Your Org for Disclosures and Consent Management

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Configure Intelligent Document Automation settings.
  • Create a Data Use Legal Basis record.
  • Create a Data Use Purpose record.
  • Add Info Authorization Request Related Lists

In this module, we assume you’re a Salesforce admin who’s authorized to set up Disclosures and Consent Management. If you’re not an admin, that’s OK. Read along to learn how your admin would take the steps in a production org. Don’t try to follow these steps in your Trailhead Playground. Disclosures and Consent Management isn’t available in the Trailhead Playground.

Configure Intelligent Document Automation

Matt starts by configuring Intelligent Document Automation—a group of settings that provides granular level control on what type of data is collected while gathering consent responses. Matt can also customize how records are shared. 

Here’s how Matt sets up Intelligent Document Automation in the org.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter intelligent and select Intelligent Document Automation Settings.
  3. Enable Custom Sharing, Capture Email Addresses, Capture IP Addresses, and Capture Locations.
    The Intelligent Document Automation Settings page

Data Use Purpose defines the objective for capturing authorization from a customer. If the objective is based on a legal policy, you can define it as a Data Use Legal Basis record. You then associate the Data Use Legal Basis record with the Data Use Purpose record.

According to Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Cumulus is required to disclose the fees that Rachel incurs during the mortgage initiation (origination) process. Sofia plans to send Rachel an authorization form to capture Rachel’s consent. So Matt decides to create a Data Use Legal Basis record and then associate it with a Data Use Purpose record. 



Creating a Data Use Legal Basis record is optional.

Here’s how Matt creates a Data Use Legal Basis record for TILA.

  1. Click App Launcher.
  2. Search for and select Data Use Legal Basis.
  3. On the Data Use Legal Basis list page, click New.
  4. On the New Data Use Legal Basis window, provide the following information.
    1. Name: Truth in Lending Act
    2. Source: TILAThe New Data Use Legal Basis window.
    3. Click Save.

Next, Matt creates a Data Use Purpose record and links it to the Data Use Legal Basis record.

  1. Click App Launcher.
  2. Search for and select Data Use Purpose.
  3. On the New Data Use Purpose window, provide the following information.
    1. Name: Mortgage Initiation
    2. Description: Documents required to inform buyers about fees associated with mortgage.
    3. Legal Basis: Truth in Lending Act
      The New Data Use Purpose window.
    4. Click Save.

An Info Authorization Request record is created to generate authorization forms for customers to sign. Based on your business requirement, you can attach multiple authorization forms.

Matt wants to ensure that Sofia has quick access to related details and actions for the authorization form she sends to Rachel. So he adds three related lists to the Info Authorization Request page layout.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter info, and click Info Authorization Request.
  3. Click Page Layouts and then Info Authorization Request Layout.
  4. In the object palette, click Related Lists.
  5. Drag and drop Info Authorization Request History, Authorizable Form Request Records, and Info Authorization Request Forms onto the Related Lists section.
    The Page Layout editor with related list components Info Authorization Request History, Authorizable Form Request Records, and Info Authorization Request Forms added.
  6. Click Save and then Yes.

What’s Next

Matt has prepared the org for Disclosures and Consent Management. In the next unit, he sets up consent authorization. Start your engines!


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