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Install CumulusCI

Learning Objectives

  • Install CumulusCI on macOS or Windows.
  • Verify that CumulusCI is installed.

If you already have CumulusCI installed, type the cci version command to make sure you’re using the latest version before continuing with this unit. If you’re told there is a newer version, run the command noted in the version information outlined in the Terminal.

Tasha and her team are ready to take the next step of installing CumulusCI. If you're following along, note that the time estimate for this unit is just an estimate. Your own installation might take longer, depending on your system configuration and network speed.

Follow the install instructions from CumulusCI's official documentation here.

Verify CumulusCI Installation (Mac or Windows)

Make sure the CumulusCI command is available by entering this command: cci

On first use, Mac users may see a popup asking for permission to store a password in your keychain. This request is expected, so enter your computer’s password and click Always Allow. You should see output like the following:

Usage: cci [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
 --help  Show this message and exit.
 flow     Commands for finding and running flows for a project
 org      Commands for connecting and interacting with Salesforce orgs
 project  Commands for interacting with project repository configurations
 service  Commands for connecting services to the keychain
 shell    Drop into a Python shell
 task     Commands for finding and running tasks for a project
 version  Print the current version of CumulusCI

If you see an error message or something different, try installing CumulusCI again.


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