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Deliver Digital Transformation

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify goals achieved by other communications companies using Communications Cloud.
  • Outline common digital transformation patterns followed by CSPs.

Turning Theory Into Practice

Meet Eliza Young. Eliza is a developer at Infiwave and a key member of the Communications Cloud implementation team.

[Alt text: Eliza Young, developer at Infiwave.]

Eliza has worked on many projects before, but never one as interesting and promising as the Infiwave digital transformation project with Communications Cloud.

She decides to do some extra research to find out how other communications companies have used Communications Cloud to transform their business, including the approaches they took and the goals they achieved.

She learns that each business changed both the structure and culture of the company during their digital transformation journey. They incorporated digital technology into all aspects of the business, focusing on creating exceptional customer experiences and providing value.

The companies Eliza researched all wanted to become digitally native. Digitally native means the organization is adept and agile in adapting to technology disruptions, time-to-market pressures, and customer expectations.

Eliza finds it interesting that each company approached its digital transformation journey in a slightly different way. They all had different end goals, and some are now further along the journey than others. Want to find out more? Let’s look at three examples and consider the most appropriate digital transformation approach for each.


These scenarios are fictitious but representative of typical situations encountered by CSPs. To read real-life examples, refer to the links provided in the Resources section.

Case 1: Improved Customer Processes

This CSP wanted to improve customer experience by simplifying order, payment, and installation processes. By taking this focus, the CSP hoped to make its service delivery faster and more efficient. They also wanted to be more agile in adopting future technological innovations.

The company decided to replace its existing, dated, end-of-life e-commerce platforms, but it didn’t want to risk the cost of a full-stack BSS transformation program.

Instead, the CSP integrated elements of Communications Cloud with legacy systems using OmniStudio tools, APIs, and MuleSoft. Its legacy systems included activation, billing, online charging systems (OCS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications.

What Happened Next?

Taking this approach, the CSP finished the project in just a few months. Now, its customers can complete the journey from quote to billing online using refreshed web portals.

Customers love the new web portal because it provides personalized, always-on customer services and support. Employees love it because catalog-driven commerce and order orchestration ensure seamless service activation and device fulfillment, reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction.

Case 2: Small Steps to Big Goals

This CSP wants to improve the consumer and small business customer experience. Its goals are big, such as empowering its employees, simplifying product offerings, and reducing the cost to serve.

The CSP did some research and concluded that the complexity of its legacy CRM and BSS systems was hindering business agility, preventing the rapid launch of new services, and slowing order fulfillment. However, the CSP didn’t want to risk throwing everything out and starting fresh.

The company worked with Salesforce to plan a phased transformation program that simplified business processes, reduced product offer complexity, and delivered a seamless user experience across multiple channels including web, retail, mobile, and contact centers.

As part of the project, they replaced some legacy systems with Salesforce products. For other systems, like billing, the CSP decided to integrate them with Communications Cloud using OmniStudio tools, APIs, and Mulesoft. Over time, the business will replace the remaining legacy systems with Salesforce products. The end goal? A complete digital transformation.

What Happened Next?

Although this is just the beginning of their transformation journey, this company has already noticed improved customer service, fewer support issues, and less time required to train employees.

They’re now planning the next phase of their transformation. Over the course of multiple project phases, the CSP intends to decommission its legacy systems and migrate all existing subscribers to the new platform.

Case 3: Taking the Plunge

This CSP was launching a new, digital-first brand and experience and wanted to ensure straightforward, personalized, and consistent customer interactions. However, they concluded that doing this with their existing IT systems would cost too much and take too long. So, they decided to start completely afresh, launching a cloud-based IT stack based on Salesforce Communications, Sales, and Service Clouds.

What Happened Next?

The whole project took less than six months from conception to go live. The fast implementation was a result of the productized integration in Salesforce Communication Cloud, such as integration with the Matrixx billing solution.

Since the solution launch, the company has:

  • Lowered costs to serve because customers can self-serve rather than using call centers and retail stores.
  • Reduced time to market, building the company’s market position as an innovation leader.
  • Improved customer satisfaction ratings significantly.

Learn More

Want to learn more? Try the links in the resources. Check out Digital Transformation Resources to learn how others worked through their digital transformation projects.


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