Skip to main content TDX, the developer conference for the AI agent era is happening now. Watch live on Salesforce+ for exclusive digital content, a revolutionary keynote, and more.

Download the enablement pack

Use the assets in this enablement pack to advertise your workshop, invite friends, and send a follow-up survey and email.


Download the Presentation

Use this presentation to present to your audience.


Prepare for your presentation

Follow this trailmix and complete the Trailhead modules to ensure you're prepared to host your meeting.

+400 puntos

Planificación de desarrollo laboral

Construya un plan profesional y aprenda a introducir un trabajo en el ecosistema de Salesforce.

~35 minutos
+200 puntos

Grupos de Trailblazer Community

Vea cómo Trailblazer Community lo ayuda a aprender, conectarse e inspirarse.

~15 minutos
+600 puntos

Crear una aplicación para realizar un seguimiento de su trayectoria de Trailblazer

Cree una aplicación para almacenar material de estudio y notas a medida que explora el ecosistema de Salesforce.

~1 hora 5 minutos
+500 puntos

Public Speaking Skills

Create persuasive content, build your audience, and present like a pro.

~1 hora 25 minutos

Join the online Trailblazer Community

Join the online community to collaborate, network, and connect with our trailblazer community!


Join a Community group near you!

Find a nearest community group near you and start attending in-person meetings.


Connect to our Ecosystem

Connect to our opportunities within our ecosystem such as mentorship, employment and much more!