Salesforce Certified AI Associate Exam Overview
Exam Guide, Scheduling your Exam, Recommended Courses, and Quick Facts.
AI Fundamentals
Exam Weight 17%
Aspectos fundamentales de la inteligencia artificial
Aprenda los fundamentos de la IA y la tecnologÃa que hay detrás de sus increÃbles capacidades.
Inteligencia artificial para el servicio de atención al cliente
Observe cómo la inteligencia artificia está cambiando el servicio de atención al cliente, desde chats de bots hasta análisis.
Aspectos básicos sobre la IA generativa
Descubra las capacidades de la IA generativa y la tecnologÃa que la propulsa.
Generative AI vs. Predictive AI
Examine generative AI and predictive AI, lay out their use cases, and compare the them both.
Aspectos básicos sobre el procesamiento de lenguaje natural
Aprenda cómo la IA permite que los ordenadores interpreten el lenguaje natural humano y lo generen.
AI Capabilities in CRM
Exam Weight 8%
Volverse inteligente con Salesforce Einstein
Vea cómo la inteligencia artificial está transformando la CRM con predicciones y recomendaciones inteligentes, y automatización puntual.
Gain Insight and Improve Outcomes with Einstein Discovery
Find out how Einstein Discovery lets you tap into the power of data science.
Ethical Considerations of AI
Exam Weight 39%
Meet Salesforce's Trusted AI Principles
Learn about the principles that guide the development, deployment, and use of AI.
Generative AI: 5 Guidelines for Responsible Development
Explore the guidelines focused on the responsible development and implementation of generative AI.
AI Ethics Maturity Model
Discover how to earn your customers’ trust in AI while avoiding both brand and legal risk.
Ethical Data Use in Personalization
Apply ethical use best practices to deliver responsible personalization solutions.
Get to Know Relationship Design
Learn relationship design fundamentals and how they help you connect better with customers and communities.
Learn Privacy and Data Protection Law
Learn about laws and regulations for collecting personal data, using it, and protecting privacy.
Data for AI
Exam Weight 36%
Aspectos fundamentales de los análisis de datos
Aprenda los distintos tipos de análisis de datos y cómo se aplican a casos de uso comunes.
Calidad de datos
Descubra estrategias para evaluar y mejorar la calidad de los datos en Salesforce.
Salesforce Data Cloud: un vistazo rápido
Descubra Data Cloud, la plataforma en tiempo real para hacer magia con los clientes.
Desarrollar la alfabetización de datos
Aprenda a interpretar y explorar datos, y a comunicarse con ellos de manera eficaz.
Data Management Best Practice Guide
Discover how to take control of your data and help your team achieve their goals.
Determine Data Requirements
Learn about data requirements, considerations, and best practices for utilizing Einstein Discovery.
Data Quality Dimensions Cheat Sheet
Learn about data quality dimensions, allowing you to ensure that your data is fit for purpose.
Additional Preparation
Additional resources to help prepare you for certification.
Cert Prep: Salesforce AI Associate
Use quiz questions and interactive flashcards to study for the AI Associate certification.