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#Trailhead Challenges2411 debatiendo

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Hello! I continue to see this error when looking to complete the second challenge. I'm confused as I've completed the first challenge, yet the error message seems to refer to the prompt created for the Translate Survey Input. 


Has anyone seen this before (and have had success troubleshooting?)? 



Prompt Builder Superbadge - Challenge 2 error




#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead Superbadges


I've checked the first challenge and I get it, but when I want checked the second challenge I got this:    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:  We can't find a prompt template called Translate Survey Input, or it isn't configured according to all the requirements, including having a description. Prompt templates configured with the wrong template type will need to be built as a new template, as the prompt template type can't be changed after creation.        

5 respuestas
  1. 22 feb, 15:27

    Yeah I am getting the same issue. I passed the first challenge with the Translate Survey Input, but now in the second one it is throwing that error. Is there a bug in the error message?


Getting this error for challenge 1 but i have followed the instructions and the action is directly after get contact and the update is directly after the action


Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:

Make sure the Translate Survey Input action is added to the existing record-triggered flow right after the Get Contact Records element and that it calls the Translate Survey Input prompt template.


#Trailhead  #Trailhead Challenges

8 respuestas
  1. Eric Burté (DEVOTEAM) Forum Ambassador
    17 oct 2024, 13:48

    Hello @Karen Brown make sure you have respected the label and Api name. And after, do not forget to save and activate the flow before trying validating. Eric


I have done everything right from building the model with the correct model and tested it but it give me error that "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong We can't find the correct model selected for the Translate Survey Input prompt template". By default the model in the prompt template was OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo but I changed to OpenAI GPT 4. 


Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:

Make sure the Translate Survey Input action has values set for the Account, Contact, and Fitness objects. The input values for Account and Contact should be for the records relating to the Fitness record that triggered the action; the Fitness input value should be the Triggering Fitness__c record.


#Trailhead Challenges


Working on Prompt Builder Templates Superbadge Unit challenge for AI specialist ,

while doing the challenge I am encountering technical issues making it hard for me to accomplish the challenge. I am getting this error message " We can't find a prompt template called Summarize Client Goals, or it isn't configured according to all the requirements, including having a description. Prompt templates configured with the wrong template type will need to be built as a new template, as the prompt template type can't be changed after creation."

I created a prompt template to summarize the records using Flex type, the record summary type and set the flows accordingly but, every time I try to to add contact from resource panel or add an action in flow I can't map it.

I did create look up relation, but nothing works.

any ideas what that could be triggering the error?


#Trailhead Challenges

4 comentarios
  1. 21 nov 2024, 19:56

    Hi @Tawfik Mammad


    Template type must be Field Generation as this feature intends to fill out Interest Summary text field. Additionally, make sure that you select this prompt template as the source to populate field in the record page within Lightning App Builder.


    As for the flow you mentioned, I think you're mistaking challenge 2 with challenge 1 which is different. Challenge 1 uses a flow to translate a survey input by calling a Flex template.


This error is for the 1st challenge check for Prompt builder Super badge. All info is correct with correct prompt template names , flow . Followed all the instructions and used the right model too. No Idea why the error is there


#Trailhead Challenges


Hi there - I'm unable to save/activate the flow as having issues with Input values for Account & Contact - Any  suggestions on how to progress from this error?


Translate Fitness Survey Input  flow issues


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead Superbadges

4 respuestas

Hi Trailblazers,


My translated survey input is coming back as blank when I save the fitness record. See attached - appreciate help!


#Trailhead Challenges

1 respuesta
  1. 24 oct 2024, 5:28

    Hi@Rohit Kale,

    • Super badges are part of the credentialing program,
    • Please make sure you Signed up for a free org with special configuration
    • Please check prerequisite
    •  Please Check out the Superbadge Challenge Help article.
3 respuestas
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    18 oct 2024, 8:09

    Hello@Swati Patle,

    • Super badges are part of the credentialing program,
    • Please make sure you Signed up for a free org with special configuration
    • Please check prerequisite
    •  Please Check out the Superbadge Challenge Help article.