Hi there, I am stuck for the challenge Business Administration Specialist Create reports and dashboards.
I am doing reports when i run the luncher it shows me:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.
I double check couple times but it seems i am following instraction right way I do not know why report does not shows the correct level of details?
I delated my work and started over again but I was not able to catch the mistakes
Any suggestions or hint I will appreciated.
Thank you!
tried inactive to Detail Rows on Rated By State page and refresh the dashboard and it works
Personally, I think there is a bug (virus) which does not allow the user to get beyond this obstacle, therefore the user recieving the awful dreaded words on their computer screen, "The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail!" I called Salesforce on my mobile phone, yet they would not admit their was any problems going on with their software as far as they were concerned.