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Vaya, se ha producido un error. Inténtelo de nuevo.

This is the error I'm getting. How can I fix this error?

Even though I have it in my playground. Also, I double, triple-checked the API name. image_2024-11-19_004151644.png


#Trailhead Challenges

6 respuestas
  1. 19 nov 2024, 12:59

    Hi @Nipun Chandra


    Sometimes a trailhead challenge needs a special or new playground to complete the badge.

    Try creating a new playground and do the same steps to see if it works.


    Let me know if creating a new one solves the issue.



    Monika (SFDC Girl)

  2. 19 nov 2024, 17:42

    @Jacqueline Gooch you can delete current org and create new Agentforce Org and retake this Challenge on it.


    To create a new Agentforce/Data Cloud Org, you need to delete the current one, and only after that will you be able to create a new one.


    To delete/disconnect Agentforce/Data Cloud Playground, you need to follow these steps:



    1. Open the list of your Playgrounds (SF Orgs) at

    2. Create a new "standard" Playground.

    3. Once the Playground is created, you will be able to delete/disconnect the Agentforce/Data Cloud Playground.


    Now you can create a new Agentforce/Data Cloud Org. 



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ 
