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Nicodemus Moore ha preguntado en #Trailhead
Keep getting the following:  Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:

The field 'Street_Address__c' either does not exists on the Property__c object or it is not of type textarea. 

Not sure why though.  I clearly dragged "text area" over to "property".  See pic below for verification.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Schema Builder Text Area Issues
35 respuestas
  1. 25 jul 2018, 14:50
    For me the problem was that the API name for Property was set as Properties__c instead of Property__c. I edited the API name and then re-checked and I got the badge. I hope that helps someone.
  2. 28 sept 2018, 18:58
    SOLUCIONADO!!!!! Verifiquen el nombre de la API

    SOLUCIONADO!!!!! Verifiquen el nombre de la API
  3. 18 nov 2019, 15:56

    I  worked for me:

    1. -Open different  Trailhead Playground (Not the same where you have done your challenges)
    2. Create only "Proprety" Object then add the field "Street Name".
  4. 25 abr 2018, 17:07
    SOLVED!! ... just drag the Property Object (the one that is there by DEFAULT, not the one we created all along the practice), and add the text area field from the Elemet list
  5. 5 ene 2024, 8:35

    check if you had created 2 property custom objects in case of that remove one and then try again to drag object property in the schema builder and then add text area after which label it as street name then save it you will able to clear and win points 

  6. 20 oct 2020, 15:30
    So make sure you put it in as TEXTAREA not as just plain text. That makes the main difference because it will not read it as just TEXT
  7. 24 feb 2018, 8:44
    Hi team,


    I've just retried using my Dev Org instead of Trailhead play ground and i was able to complete the challenge.

    you may try the same work around and revert if that helped. 

    Not sure why the challenge did not work using TH but went fine with Dev Org. 
