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Hi Trailblazers! How are you? I'm trying to move forward with this activity but I have a question. I try to complete this section:


Create Service Resources for Agents

Service resources represent individual agents. Maria creates a service resource for each agent.

  1. From the App Launcher, find and select Service Resources.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the following values:
    • For Name, enter the name of the agent.
    • Select the Active checkbox. A service resource must be active to receive work items.
    • For User, use the lookup icon to select the agent.
    • For Resource Type, select Agent.
  4. Click Save

But when I try to find the Service Resource the App Launcher is not showing anything. 


Understand Skills-Based Routing - Service Resource not listed

I make all the previous steps of this video:


But I can't make the same search that her (minute 16:50).


Captura de pantalla 2023-12-21 a la(s) 14.30.47.png

Probably I need to enable something in somewhere but.. I cant find any option related with this. 


I activate the Field Service option in Omni Channel Setting and also validate the Service Resource Layout according with the article. 



6 respuestas
  1. 22 dic 2023, 23:29

    Hi, it didn't work for me


    I have done all the steps but in service resource when I select "New Skill" does not appear


    In the Global Actions field I don't see "New Skill" either. 


    I appreciate your help,

  2. 31 oct 2024, 3:58

    Hi @Sebastian Rapetti,


    I am in the middle of trying to complete this trailhead and seem to be running into the same exact issue where all steps have been followed but when attempting to do a search for 'Service Resource' from app launcher nothing appears. Were you able to figure this out and if so what was the resolution that worked for you?


    Thanks in advance for any help!


    @Saurabh Singh @Lars Svensson 

  3. 23 ene 2024, 1:01

    Hi Andres and Sebastian, I found the Service Console through the Object Manager. It seems like you're missing that one step. Go to Service Setup > Object Manager and then search for "Service Resource". It will pop up and you can continue with the module from there. This should work right away. 


    Additionally, these steps should help "Service Resources" appear from the App Launcher menu. From the App Launcher click "View All". Then, type in "Service Resources" or search from it from the list in order to pull it up. 
