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Learn About the Patient Timeline

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

  • Sign up for a Developer Edition org with Health Cloud.
  • Create a custom object and custom fields.
  • Create a timeline view configuration.
  • Add fields to the patient card.
  • Create a custom patient list.

Meet the Patient Manager

As part of his work at Bloomington Caregivers, Patient Manager Leif Hansen manages the health of a number of patients. Some of them are longtime members of Bloomington Caregivers. Take Charles Green, for example. Charles has been with Bloomington Caregivers for over a decade. He is diabetic and requires regular checkups. A few months back he had hip replacement surgery and has been undergoing physical therapy since then. And he has dental appointments to manage his root canal procedure. 

Phew! That’s a lot for Leif to handle! It would help if Leif had access to a chronological overview of Charles’s procedures, appointments, electronic health record (EHR) visits, and therapy sessions. Leif can plan Charles’s healthcare journey, monitor Charles’s adherence to healthcare procedures, and identify areas where there are care gaps. The patient timeline provides this overview.

About the Health Timeline

The Health Cloud patient timeline is a visual snapshot of the healthcare events in the life of a patient in chronological order. It helps care coordinators understand a patient’s health profile at a glance. It can appear in the Health Cloud console, in the Timeline for Health Cloud Empower component in the Experience Cloud site, or both. The timeline can include many events, such as tasks, procedures, prescriptions, campaigns, encounters, and so on.

A patient timeline with its components.

The timeline shows events (1), each highlighted with an icon (2) to denote its type and offering extra detail (3) when Leif hovers over it with the mouse. Leif can include just the right amount of detail by selecting which events to include (4), the start date (5), and the display period (6). By default, Select All Events (4) includes engagement data and medical data. An overview (7) shows how the timeline window fits into the patient’s full event history.

By default, the timeline is configured to show common events such as assessments, prescriptions, and lab results.

In this project, you customize the patient timeline to help Leif and other patient managers get the patient information they need at a glance. This sounds great! But first, let’s set up an org for you to use for this project.

Sign Up for a Developer Edition Org with Health Cloud

Before we begin, you need to set up a special Developer Edition org that contains Health Cloud and sample data. Get the free Developer Edition and connect it to Trailhead now so you can complete the challenges in this module.

Even if you’ve recently signed up for a special Health Cloud–enabled Developer Edition org, sign up for a new one now. We’re always adding new data. Also note that the Health Cloud managed package expires after 30 days, so you may need a new org anyway.

  1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with Health Cloud.
  2. Fill out the form. For Email, enter an active email address. For Username, enter a username that looks like an email address and is unique. It doesn’t need to be a valid email account (for example, is fine).
  3. Click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
  4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.
  5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question.

Tip: Write down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later.

You are logged in to your Developer Edition. Now connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you’re logged in to your Trailhead account.
  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, select Connect Org from the picklist.
  3. On the Login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition org you just set up.
  4. On the Allow Access? screen, click Allow.
  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? screen, click Yes! Save it.
    You are redirected back to the challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition org to earn this badge.

Now that you have a Health Cloud–enabled org, you’re ready to begin this project and get hands-on with the patient timeline.

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