Download the Career-readiness Event Guide
Use this guide to help you plan your event and activities and learn how to find speakers and volunteers in the Trailblazer Community.
+500 puntos
Public Speaking Skills
Create persuasive content, build your audience, and present like a pro.
~1 hora 25 minutos
+500 puntos
Historias y comunicación
Utilice historias para que sus reuniones, comunicados y presentaciones sean más convincentes.
~1 hora 15 minutos
Career-Readiness Event Enablement Pack
Get everything you need to create a career-readiness event.
Don't just be about it, tweet about it!
Tweet a picture of your event @Trailhead with #BAM
~1 minuto
Share your BAM story with us
Go the BAM site and click "Share Now" at the bottom of page and tell us how you are empowering others. We can't wait to hear from you.