Skip to main content TDX, the developer conference for the AI agent era is happening now. Watch live on Salesforce+ for exclusive digital content, a revolutionary keynote, and more.

Welcome: Build Your First App

Welcome to the trailmix!

+500 puntos

Public Speaking Skills

Create persuasive content, build your audience, and present like a pro.

~1 hora 25 minutos
+500 puntos

Historias y comunicación

Utilice historias para que sus reuniones, comunicados y presentaciones sean más convincentes.

~1 hora 15 minutos
+600 puntos

Construir una aplicación para realizar un seguimiento de su viaje de Trailblazer

Construya una aplicación para almacenar materiales de estudio y notas mientras explora el ecosistema de Salesforce.

~1 hora 5 minutos

First App Workshop Enablement Pack

Get everything you need for a simple app-building workshop!


Marketing Assets

Get sample emails, graphics, and a survey.


Trailblazer Story: Luis Acosta Corona

Learn how Luis builds apps on the Salesforce Platform!


Don't just be about it, tweet about it!

Tweet a picture of your event @Trailhead with #BAM


Share your BAM story with us

Go the BAM site and click "Share Now" at the bottom of page and tell us how you are empowering others. We can't wait to hear from you