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#TDX241 debatiendo

Finishing up on the last couple of modules for #TDX24 but getting stuck on Create Flow Tests. Trying to run the 'Run This Flow Once At the Start' but it fails with 'An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow

An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information.'

Debugging says:

This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: License Limit Exceeded - Salesforce.

I've tried finding more info on this through help but haven't succeeded. Any assistance is appreciated.


#Trailhead Challenges  #TDX24  #Flows

3 comentarios
  1. 22 nov 2024, 8:14 p.m.

    Hello @Adarsh Nair, @Patricia Filipovic, @Sathvika Totakura

    Issue here is related to the 'Salesforce' licenses available as the error message said: 'LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: License Limit Exceeded - Salesforce.'

    The thing is that when you run that flow it tries to create a User called Ezra Mustang and there are not Salesforce licenses available to do so.

    To solve the issue go to Setup --> Users, select any user that has the License type 'Salesforce' granted, click on Edit button and deactivate that user by unchecking Active checkbox.

    Then run the flow again and it will work.


    Hello , , Issue here is related to the 'Salesforce' licenses available as the error message said: 'LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: License Limit Exceeded - Salesforce.


✨Greetings from #TDX24! 🎉


Whether you’ve been blazing trails for years or you’re a newbie just starting your #Salesforce journey, we’re so happy you’re here. Take a moment to introduce yourself and connect with others in the #TrailblazerCommunity the comments below! 👇


👋 What is your name and role/company?

🌏 Are you attending TDX in-person in San Francisco or tuning in on Salesforce+? Where are you watching from?

💡 What are you most excited to learn about? (Bonus points if it’s AI-related 😉)


Wishing you all a wonderful TDX. Thank you for being a part of the community! @Trailhead Quests

107 comentarios
  1. 26 abr 2024, 8:32 p.m.

    Hello Trailblazer Community,


    👋 I am Smita, exploring Trailhead daily with added new features and trails

    🌏 I have watched from India

    💡 Excited about AI, Einstein Copilot, Prompt Builder, Apex, and all the new release updates


I attended TDX virtually, and while I did have the future stamp appearing prior to the event, I don't yet see the past event stamp showing. Is it just me, or are those still coming? 


Just curious--thanks!


#TrailblazerCommunity #TDX24 #Salesforce Events

5 respuestas

Join Anand Subramanian, Chad Dienhart and myself at #TDX24 as we cover the new Apex features in Spring `24 and what is coming up on the Apex roadmap.

We'll code asynchronous processing, QoL improvements from the IdeaExchange, data processing, and generics.


Agenda link:

Join Anand Subramanian, Chad Dienhart and myself at as we cover the new Apex features in Spring `24 and what is coming up on the Apex roadmap.

  • WEDNESDAY, MAR 6 4:30 PM - 5:10 PM PST BREAKOUT 1 (ROOM 2002, LEVEL 2)
  • THURSDAY, MAR 7 1:30 PM - 2:10 PM PST PST BREAKOUT 3 (ROOM 2007, LEVEL 2)
7 comentarios
  1. 17 abr 2024, 5:10 p.m.

    Hi @Jason Clark


    Restricting the Test SOQL mocking to Data Cloud sObjects only is a design decision.


    A large part of the value of Apex testing comes from the Hammer process - see Here Comes The Hammer


    > "Even when using a trigger framework to allow disabling triggers in test context, we have to deal with flows and validation rules just to create test data."


    While slower to perform these larger integration tests than a focused integration test, they provide a large value to the Hammer process in identifying any regressions in more complex interactions. 


If you are coming to TDX, please check out our session on Extending Flow with Invocable Actions and HTTP Callouts.   Attached is a file with all of the Resources covered in the presentation.  After TDX, check the comments for a link to the final Slide Deck as well as a link to the session recording.  Learn more about Invocable Actions, HTTP Callouts, Custom Property Editors and Reactive Flow screen Components.


#Flow #Screen Flow #TDX24 #Custom Property Editor #Invocable Actions

1 comentario
  1. Eric Smith (RafterOne) Forum Ambassador
    29 mar 2024, 7:24 p.m.

I haven't received the voucher yet, which is the expiration date of September 13th 2024.


Did you all get it?

I haven't received the voucher yet.



15 respuestas
  1. 29 mar 2024, 6:21 p.m.


    I contacted TDX team and they told me:

    "The team had to audit everyone who attended and paid and then needed to create certification codes for thousands of people. The process typically takes a few weeks but they did not forget you. They are still finalizing. Please feel free to reach out if you are still waiting to hear something by mid-April. Voucher codes will be valid through September 13, 2024."


Hey Flownatics! I had a wonderful time presenting at #TDX24, especially on Record Triggered Flows: Best Practices and Design Patterns. We had A LOT of information to cover, and I know several of you requested the slides. I believe the recording will be made available later, but for the time being check out the slides attached to this post.


Think I missed a best practice? Let me know in the comments! I already heard from a few of you about navigating ISCHANGED/ISNEW, so working on that one for the future.

3 comentarios
  1. 27 mar 2024, 5:26 p.m.

    @Orlando Agostinho Session is now available on youtube!



    @Simon Kinder It really depends on the makeup of your organization. There's another great session available on Salesforce+ and Automate This about that very question. We want the tools to match the business structure, rather than dictate it. So one-flow-per-object may work for some due to other considerations. I've talked to some solo admins who like it because it makes it easier for them to maintain, and they don't have the performance concerns that one might in a larger org.



Data cloud is not visible in my org

Create a Data Stream - Data Cloud app not visible



2 respuestas
  1. 22 mar 2024, 10:37 a.m.

    I have the admin permission as well as it is visible in the setup-App menu, still not visible in App launcher

    I have the admin permission as well as it is visible in the setup-App menu, still not visible in App launcher




Was anything announced at #TDX24 or elsewhere about a true end of life for Workflow Rules and Process Builders/including new versions?  Asking because I want to better guess if we need to do move the processes to Flow before we exit the ORG mid 2026 for a new ORG (different structure/package).  


Thanks for any guidance.  


Hi .org Community!

Each week, we highlight wins from the week and take a look at what's coming up. I intended to post this on Friday as usual but something was wonky and I couldn't post, trying now! 


What's been going on recently:

  • TDX was last week! Follow along on Twitter for some great photos or follow the @TDX for Admins group to join the convo and stay in the looo! So great to see so many of our Nonprofit and Edu Community members showing up, it was SO great to see all the energy in the room, I hope you felt it too!
  • CONGRATs to the latest MVP class of 2024, woo! see the update
  • April 10 - World Tour DC (likely a Nonprofit Breakfast on the day)
  • April 25 - World Tour NYC (+ a sprint the day after on April 26)
  • May 13-15 - Education Summit San Diego on May 13-15, 2024 -- reg is now live
  • May 22-23 - Connections Event coming May 22-23, see HERE*
  • June 6 - World Tour London (+ a sprint the 2 days before on June 4-5), save the date

A few other things to keep an eye on:

  • For upcoming events/webinars/resources, visit the MindShare group
  • Find NGO & EDU groups in the Trailblazer Community: Nonprofit & Education filters
  • Coffee Chat: on Fridays at 8 am PT, see the Coffee Chat group for details!

Now, on to some shoutouts


Thanks, everyone for an amazing week :) 


@Nonprofit Hub @Education Hub

#CommUpdates #HubCap #Nonprofit #Higher Education 

2 comentarios
  1. 13 mar 2024, 9:09 p.m.

    @Anthony Latunski YES!


    There will be not just ONE but THREE Nonprofit Events around World Tour NYC, I just shared an update last night see this update HERE.


    The overview is:

    • April 24 (night before World Tour) - Nonprofit Reception, reg not live yet
    • April 25 (day of World Tour) - Nonprofit Community Breakfast, no reg, but you do need to have a ticket to World Tour to join, this will be in the Nonprofit Room (details pending)
    • April 26 - Community Sprint! This will be in the Salesforce tower the full day after World Tour (so no WT ticket needed), reg is live and going fast! See here:

    Hope to see you then! 
