Currency Format In LWC Ex : ( 1200 = 1.2k, 1200000 = 1.2M )
#LWC #Currency #Number Format @Nishanth Sargunam@Suraj M
Currency Format In LWC Ex : ( 1200 = 1.2k, 1200000 = 1.2M )
#LWC #Currency #Number Format @Nishanth Sargunam@Suraj M
Hi all,
Is it possible to change the number format in JSON after interaction?
Any help would be appreciated!
While I copy the dashboard JSON from sandbox and paste it in another environment (lets say production), then the number format in the charts with originally made from compare table and set number format to percent is not copied. The number format shows as simple number not the percent which was set originally.
Please suggest if is there any changes we can make in JSON to change the number format to percent.
Hi, for an Einstein Analytics dashboard, is it possible to edit the format of labels in a chart (not field labels)? Sometimes they won’t display at all despite clicking ‘Preserve Labels’ under Auto Fit in the Chart settings and increasing the widget size. Also is it possible to edit the number format of a label, from say, ‘1.5k’ to display ‘1,500’? Is this something that is done by editing the JSON?
I have an issue changing the number format in our dataset(s). The new feature of choosing custom dividers doesn't seem to work. As we want to use the european number format I changed thousand separator to '.' and the decimal separator to ',' in the field menu of a lens. However when I save, the separators do not get saved (the format as such does).
Anyone else experiencing this, or even better knows how to change the separators?
Also, here's the easiest workaround I found, since I hate workbench.
Select the widget
Click "..." and Clone query
Add the number format on the measure directly
Save the step (you might want to give it a friendly step name first)
Click on the widget again and detach the query
Drag the new query on top of the widget
(now of course your bindings are missing, but to fix that)
Copy the new step id
Delete the new step
Past the new step id over the old step id
and you should be good to go.
@Arthur Fabre @Dylan Thom @Anirudh Sridhar Another good use case for exposing Asset XMD in the Advanced editor.Hi All,
Need some help with some simple number formatting. I've done a calculation between two widgets reading off the same dataset and I'm getting the right value back - however the format of the numbers isn't what I desire. It reads "362222...etc" where as i want it to just read 36.2m.
It won't let me access the widget anymore to change the number format via the UI, nor will it let me 'shorten the number'.
Now usually i would go into the XMD file and change the format, however the dataset is a trending report and i cant seem to find an XMD file for that.
So my question is how can i edit the format of the number. Here is the code for the calculation:
q = foreach q generate {{cell(TOTAL_PRICE_CONVERT__19.result, 0, \"sum_TOTAL_PRICE.CONVERT\").asString()}}-{{cell(TOTAL_PRICE_CONVERT__5.result, 0, \"sum_TOTAL_PRICE.CONVERT\").asString()}} as 'dif';
Thank you
Hey everyone
I'm having a mare with the Salesforce XMD developer guides - I'm trying to update the number format in a compare table (I've added bindings already so can't do it in the table editor).
I've added the below to the columns part of my query. It saves with no errors, but there's no update in the table. Not sure if maybe I've added it to the wrong place?
"query": {
"measures": [
"format": {
"customFormat": "[\"##.##%\",100]"
"formula": "1/2"
Hi All, any idea how to update/set number format on a compact step with bindings in dashboard json? Previous to the update I could simple add the line ,
"format": "percentage",
in the "query" step, this option doesn't exist anymore.