7 answers
I have been able to reidrect users away with a version of
<script type="text/javascript">
I have been asked to remove all user access to the homepage.Can I diable the chatter feed from the top of the hometab? I know I can go in as each user and hide it, but I want to disable it. Or put my VF page above.Same idea with the side bar. I know I can hide it for all users, but I just want it hidden on the home tab, not every page. According to me it is not possible with any case.However you can create Home page components and add them in Home Page layout.Go To Setup -> Customize -> Home -> Home Page ComponentsMay be this is helpful to you.Thanks,Abhishek I unsderstand the home tab is not removable from any app.Is it possible to embed a script in the homepage that would redirect a User to a Visualforce page? Hi,You cannot remove Home Tab from profile of any user so as a result you cannot block any user form Home Tab.If you set any tab as default landing tab for the user than still user will be able to see Home tab.Blocking any user from Home tab is not possible.Thanks,Abbhishek.