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Hi Trailblazer Community,


I'm getting this error when converting a lead with Lead Record Type: Roofing.


"The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Roofing_Job_Type__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Roofing_Job_Type__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings."


Roofing Job Type is a custom picklist field that has long been mapped to the opportunity field. Until recently, when adding new values to the picklist it has now prompted this error message.


I queried this error on Google and Trailblazer Community and found this article:


I followed all the steps necessary. Making sure that the opportunity custom field is mapped accordingly and that the picklist values for lead and opportunity are identical. What else can I do? it still is showing the error.


I also made sure both are only shown on Roofing lead record type. I know the picklist values that work and that don't... should I delete the values and retry again?
9 respuestas
  1. 19 feb, 11:19 p.m.

    For me this case is even more weird there is a  multi select picklist list field called " Brand__c" in account layout however this field doesn't even exist in opportunity/lead/contact object and i am still getting an error saying "The lead conversion failed because the value for the field Brand__c is invalid. The value comes from the lead field that's mapped to the field Brand__c. Ask your admin to check the field mappings." I checked the mappings and there is no such field mapping that can be found in the lead mapping. What could be the issue please help. #Trailhead Challenges#leadconversion #Convert Lead #Flow #Custom Buttons #Multi-picklist Field #TrailblazerCommunity
