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I am the Admin. All account were inported with the Admin as owner.  How do I go in and assign these to others
2 respuestas
  1. 21 oct 2011, 2:08 p.m.
    If you need to transfer thousands (or more) and you're on PE, EE, or UE you can use the Excel Connector.  If your're on EE or UE you can use the Dataloader.  Both of them can be downloaded for free from the DeveloperForce site.  While you're there sign up for a free Developer Edition SFDC Org to test it on. 


    Changing Ownership

    Available in: Contact Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise Unlimited, and Developer Editions


    Before transferring a record to a new owner, make sure the new owner has at least “Read” permission on the object.

    1. Click Change next to the Owner field.

      The Change link appears only on the detail page, not the edit page. If you don't see the Change link, you can't change ownership.

    2. Enter or select a new owner.

      In organizations where the Salesforce Customer Portal or partner portal is enabled, you can filter the results that appear on the user lookup dialog by selecting either a queue or group of users from the Owner or Assigned To drop-down list.Note

      _img src="" /_Only users you are able to transfer ownership to are visible. Neither the User group nor the Roles and Internal Subordinates group contains Customer Portal or partner users.

    3. Select the Send Notification Email checkbox to notify the new owner.

      The “From” email address displayed in the notification is your return email address as set in the Email Address field of your email settings.

      For cases in Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer Edition organizations, the email text is determined by the Case Assigned Template setting specified in the Support Settings. For other records, the email text is automatically generated and cannot be customized.

    4. Depending on the type of object you are transferring and your user permissions, the following checkboxes may also appear:

      Checkbox Description Appears For Change Division Transfers the record to the new owner's division. All records related to the account are transferred to the new division as well. Accounts and leads, if you can view or edit the Division field Transfer open opportunities not owned by the existing account owner Transfers open opportunities owned by other users that are associated with the account. Accounts Transfer closed opportunities Transfers the closed opportunities associated with the account. This option applies only to closed opportunities owned by the account owner; closed opportunities owned by other users are not changed. Accounts Transfer open cases owned by the existing account owner Transfers any open cases associated with the account that are owned by the existing account owner. Accounts Transfer closed cases Transfers the closed cases associated with the account. This option applies only to closed cases owned by the account owner; closed cases owned by other users are not changed. Accounts Keep Account Team Transfers all account team members on the account to the new owner. Accounts Keep Sales Team Preserves the sales team when the opportunity is transferred to the new owner. If this box is unchecked, all sales team members are deleted when the opportunity is transferred to the new owner.Note

      _img src="" /_If you transfer closed opportunities, the sales team is maintained, regardless of this setting.



      _img src="" /_If you change an account owner with both Transfer closed opportunities and Keep Sales Team deselected, the sales team members' access for closed opportunities becomes Private (that is, the sales team members lose access to any closed opportunities).

    5. Click Save to finish.


    _img src="

    " /_After you change a record's owner, the previous owner's visibility reverts to the default sharing setting unless that user is on an account or sales team. For example, if the previous owner of an account is on an account team, that user has Read Only or the access specified in your organization-wide default for accounts, whichever is greater. The previous owner's access to related records remain the same. This behavior is the same for opportunity owners that are members of a sales team as long as you change ownership using the API. When you change ownership of an opportunity within Salesforce, you can select the access level you want.

    Transfer of Associated Items

    When you change record ownership, some associated items that are owned by the current record owner are also transferred to the new owner.

    Record Type Associated items that are also transferred Accounts Contacts, contracts with “Draft” status, attachments, notes, and open activities. Depending on your selections, this can also include open opportunities not owned by the current account owner, closed opportunities, open cases owned by the existing account owner, and closed cases.

    When a partner account is transferred, partner users associated with that account are moved into the role hierarchy beneath the new owner.

    Contracts with “Activated” status are not transferred to the new owner, however, the new owner has read-only access to these contracts.

    Contacts Notes, attachments, and open activities Opportunities Notes, attachments, and open activities Leads Notes, attachments, and open activities. Open activities are not transferred if you change lead ownership using the Assign using active assignment rule checkbox. Cases Notes, attachments, and open activities Campaigns Attachments and open activities Contracts Notes, attachments, and open activities Custom objects Notes, attachments, and open activities


    _img src="

    " /_You can't transfer events to which you have been invited and don't own.

