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User Experience Superbadge Unit

Design a data model based on a set of user experience requirements

~1 hora

User Experience Superbadge Unit

Lo que tendrá que hacer para ganar esta Superbadge

  • Identify data model decisions that enhance the user experience.
  • Improve the user experience navigation and searchability.
  • Configure declarative automation and calculations to increase usability.

Conceptos probados en esta Superbadge

  1. Person Accounts
  2. History Tracking
  3. Flow Management
  4. Mobile
  5. Search Layouts

Prework and Notes

Sign Up for a Developer Edition Org with Special Configuration

To complete this superbadge unit, you need a special Developer Edition org that contains special configuration and sample data. Note that this Developer Edition org is designed to work with the challenges in this superbadge unit.

  1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with special configuration.

  2. Fill out the form. For Email address, enter an active email address.

  3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up.
  4. q
  5. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click Verify Account.

  6. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Save your username, password, and login URL in a secure place—such as a password manager—for easy access later.

  7. You are logged in to your superbadge Developer Edition org.

Now, connect your new Developer Edition org to Trailhead.

  1. Make sure you’re logged in to your Trailhead account.

  2. In the Challenge section at the bottom of this page, select Connect Org from the picklist.

  3. On the login screen, enter the username and password for the Developer Edition org you just set up.

  4. On the Allow Access? page, click Allow.

  5. On the Want to connect this org for hands-on challenges? page, click Yes! Save it. You are redirected back to the Challenge page and ready to use your new Developer Edition org to earn this superbadge.

  6. Now that you have a Salesforce org with special configuration for this superbadge unit, you’re good to go.



Before you begin the challenges, please review Data Model Optimization Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help.

Make sure you’re using a new Developer Edition org from this sign up link to complete the challenges in this superbadge unit. If you use an org that has been used for other work, you won’t pass the challenges in this superbadge unit.

This superbadge unit is part of the Data Model Optimization Specialist Superbadge. Complete the capstone assessment and related superbadge units to receive the Data Model Optimization Specialist Superbadge.

Review Superbadge Challenge Help for information about the Salesforce Certification Program and Superbadge Code of Conduct.

Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of Equality. We maintained certain terms to avoid any effect on customer implementations.


  • Grab a pen and paper. You may want to jot down notes and map out the data model as you read the requirements.
  • Enter all labels exactly as described in the instructions. Labels are case-sensitive and spelling counts.
  • When possible, copy and paste the label names from superbadge instructions instead of typing them.
  • Make sure you save your work before running the challenge check.
  • Build your solution according to the requirements; adding more configurations can cause challenge checks to fail.
  • We recommend following best practices and always including descriptions for configurations. However, we’re not checking for descriptions in this superbadge unit.

Standard Objects

The World Tour Manager app will use these standard objects.

  • Account: Venues for shows, vendors, streaming services, studios, and fans.
  • Contact: Fans, venue personnel, agents, producer, or manager.
  • Campaign: Tours (or groups of performances) by a particular band or a combination of bands (such as a music festival). Examples: World Tour, Errors Tour, and the Trailblazer Tour.
  • Campaign member: These are contact records related to a campaign.

Custom Objects

As the Salesforce admin, you are responsible for maintaining the custom objects that interact with standard objects to keep track of all the elements that go into a tour. These custom objects represent details such as new songs, track lists, and even guest performers that can be updated and shared with stakeholders. The custom objects include:

  • Song: Includes fields such as Written by, Duration, Album, and so on.
  • Album: A collection of songs released together with band and production information, artwork, and bonus tracks.
  • Track list: A list of songs for a live show.
  • Artist: These are the singers, writers, and performers involved with the songs, albums, and even tours if it’s a guest artist performing with the band on a particular night.
  • Performs On: This object is used to connect Artists to Songs, in the future Art wants to be able to connect Artists to Albums too, however; that is out of scope for right now.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Review the current model in Schema Builder and diagram below to understand how the band is using standard and custom objects.

The entity relationship diagram shows the following relationships: The Account object has a master-detail relationship from the Contact object.
The Play Tracker object has required lookups with the Account and Song objects.
The Campaign object has a many-to-many relationship with the Campaign and Contact objects through the Campaign Member object.
The Campaign and Song objects have a many-to-many relationship with the Track List object.
The Song and Artist objects many-to-many relationships with the Performs On object. 
The Account object has a lookup relationship from the Campaign object.
The Account object has a lookup relationship from the Contact object.
The Album object has a lookup relationship to the Song Object.

Downloadable PDF of the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Business Requirements

Data Model for Fan Members

Flow and the Low Codes were excited to see their loyal fan base, the Flow Fanatics, grow as they traveled the world on their electrifying world tour. With their Salesforce org customized to fit their needs, they are able to forge stronger connections with their fans, ensuring that no one is just a face in the crowd. Keyboardist Melody Keyes also says that she is starting a newsletter with Lady Java next week. She plans to start socializing and collecting subscribers before the Trailblazer Tour.

Update the data model to better support the B2B2C needs and allow for tracking fans as contacts.

Add a Newsletter Subscriber checkbox.

Ensure personalized data is available on the page layout.

  • Birthdate
  • Pronouns
  • Gender Identity

Tracking RSVPs for Fan Members

Fan club members have shown interest in attending the Trailblazer Tour. As the tour date draws near, Melody Keyes informs you that the band needs a convenient method to send updates, ticket information, and exclusive content to those who have RSVP'd for a specific event. Add member statuses to the tours and create a way to capture how many yes RSVPs there are for each tour when the member status is entered.

Member Statuses

  • Planned
  • Responded
  • Sent
  • RSVP No
  • Received
  • RSVP Yes

Track if a Song Is a Single

Melody Keyes requested a field to track songs without an album. Create a new field with the name Is Single that will automatically update based on whether a related album exists.

User Experience Improvements

Flow and the Low Codes have decided to run a giveaway exclusively for Flow Fanatics who have subscribed to the newsletter by the end of their world tour. Implement a solution so that Melody Keyes can effectively track changes, search fields, and report on historical changes related to the Flow Fanatics’ eligibility for the giveaway. This not only ensures the fairness and transparency of the giveaway but also helps in making data-driven decisions regarding fan club operations and marketing initiatives.

Tracking Changes

Object Field
  • Song Name
  • Album
  • Track List
  • Song
  • Campaign
  • Venue (Account) Newsletter Subscriber
    Contact Newsletter Subscriber
    Album Album Name

    Search Layouts

    With the Flow and the Low Codes community in a state of constant growth and evolution, the frequency of changes and updates is a given. Fan members continually transform as they attend concerts, offer feedback, and engage with the band's content. Melody Keyes, being at the heart of fan engagement, often finds the need to identify and connect with specific subsets of Flow Fanatics. She frequently searches for fans who have attended particular concerts, those who have maintained their subscription for a specific duration, or fans who cast their votes for a particular song to be released as a single.

    To facilitate these searches, Melody Keyes requested some essential updates to the search layouts, streamlining the process of locating information on both venues and fan members.

    Venue (Account) Fan Member (Contact)
    Account Name Name
    Number of Locations Account Name
    Phone Phone
    Security Provided? Email
    Capacity Birthdate
    Mailing City Artist
    Mailing State/Province Newsletter Subscriber
    Mailing Country

    She has urgently reported an issue she's encountered while searching for tour-related details. Specifically, she's been unable to locate the Show ID or the Merch Quantity available when searching for tour information. Furthermore, she's noted an inconsistency with the presentation of numerical data on the tour page, where both fields feature commas and decimals. She wants to search using terms related to quantity as the data grows.

    History Report for Newsletter Subscribers

    Report Name Newsletter Subscriber History
    Report Folder Public Reports
  • Account Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Field/Event
  • Old Value
  • New Value
  • Edit Date
  • Edited By
  • Show Me My Contacts
    Edit Date This Month
    Field/Event Newsletter Subscriber

    Screen Flow for Track List

    Flow and the Low Codes have always been known for their spontaneous and creative approach to music. They believed that some of their best song ideas and track lists were born during their travels, whether on a long flight, on a tour bus, or while exploring new cities. These impromptu bursts of inspiration led to some of their most iconic songs and memorable concert experiences.

    As the band's popularity grows, so does their rigorous tour schedule. They found themselves constantly on the move, which meant they had fewer opportunities to sit down with their entire team to create track lists for upcoming tours. They were often inspired by the energy of the places they visited and the diverse fan responses at each tour stop. Melody Keyes calls you to request a mobile-friendly way to create track lists.

    Update the Track List Flow

    Update and activate a Flow called: Song and Track List Creation

    • Create a variable: TrackList to store the Track List record for additional processing later in the flow.
    • Update the Screen: Create Track List to gather fields for a new Track List record.
    • Update the Screen: New Song to gather fields for a new Song record.
    • Update the element: Create Track List Record to create a new Track List record.

    Enable Artist to Create Track List via Mobile

    • App Page: Artist Flow Page
    • Flow: Song and Track List Creation
    • Page Settings Name: Create Song or Track List
    • Lightning Experience: World Tour Manager App
    • Mobile Navigation Menu

    ¿Listo para superar esta Superbadge?

    Primero complete los requisitos previos para que se desbloquee el reto para User Experience Superbadge Unit.

    ~1 hora