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Add a Pyramid Chart

Compare and Contrast With Analytics Charts

With the help of CRM Analytics—and with just a few easy clicks—you've learned that there are many opportunities in the pipeline that need attention, and you know where they're concentrated. But here's another question you want to answer: Which products are generating the most potential revenue in the pipeline?

Looking to your data to answer this question, you'd like to group all pipeline amounts by product. And you'd like to display all that information for all products in a single chart.

Can it be done? Yes!

A pyramid chart can do that by displaying number of product opportunities on one side and the corresponding total pipeline amount on the other. Pyramid charts use horizontal bars that can be sorted, highlighting high-value products.

  1. In the header navigation, click Analytics Studio.
  2. In the Browse tab, filter by Datasets and further refine the search results by selecting Created By Me. (Remember, click the dataset, not the dashboard.)
  3. From the search results, click the ProductPipelineUSA dataset to create a new lens. (Be sure to click the dataset and not the dashboard.)
  4. Click the Bars plus button, then choose Product to group the rows by product.
  5. Below Count of Rows, click the Bar Length plus button, select Sum, and then choose Pipeline Amount as a second measure.
  6. Click Count of Rows options menu (⌄), then select Sort ascending to sort the bars in ascending order. Ascending sort of count measure
  7. Make sure the Product Pipeline USA dashboard is open, and then click Clip to dashboard designer to clip the lens to the Product Pipeline USA dashboard. In the Display Label dropdown, click Clip to Designer without giving the step a label. We'll use the default label.
  8. Click the Product Pipeline USA dashboard tab to go to the Product Pipeline USA dashboard.
  9. Drag the waterfall and map charts down to make room for the pyramid chart, then click outside the charts to reveal the steps again.
  10. Drag the step called lens_1 from the right sidebar onto the canvas to recreate the bar chart. 
  11. Adjust size of the bar chart—drag the sizing handle on the right side to make the chart fill the entire width of the canvas.
  12. With the bar chart selected, choose the Pyramid chart from Chart TypeProduct pipeline pyramid chart in dashboard designer
  13. Scroll up to the top of the Widget section, and click out of the Chart Type area to hide the chart types.
  14. Scroll down the Widget section, then click Legend to open the legend options, and choose top-center from the Position menu. Product pipeline pyramid chart legend position in dashboard designer
  15. In the Widget section, click Left Axis and set the title to OpportunitiesProduct pipeline pyramid chart left-axis title in dashboard designer
  16. Scroll up the Widget section, and set the title of the chart to Products by Opportunity ValueProduct pipeline pyramid chart title in dashboard designer
  17. Use the sizing handles to change the sizes of the pyramid and map charts so that you can place them next to each other. Resize charts in dashboard designer
  18. Click Save and then click Save to save the dashboard.
  19. Click Preview to see the dashboard you created. Product pipeline dashboard

You now have a dashboard with three charts that give you and your colleagues a snapshot of the current status of your product pipeline. But this is just the beginning, because you've just opened up a whole new world—one where rows of data can be easily transformed into beautiful and effective dashboards. So go ahead and high-five yourself! And now go share that dashboard...just brace yourself for more high-fives.

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