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Deploy and Use Your Flow

Get Ready to Deploy the Flow

The flow you just built will appear on a Lightning Page, and users will interact with it through the Screen components you added earlier. You chose that route because you want users to see the email preview in context of an opportunity record and its details.

That’s not the only way for users to interact with a flow, though. You could deploy it as an object-specific action button on a Lightning page, as a button in the utility bar, or in a number of different ways. Plus, you could limit access to the flow to specific users or permission sets if you needed.

You can also control when your flow appears through the flow itself or with component visibility settings (which is what you’ll do in a moment). And, of course, you can set permissions for flows. Check the documentation linked in Resources for more details about deploying flows and setting security.

Now, place your flow on a page and use it.

Edit the Opportunity Lightning Page

It’s time to leave Flow Builder and head back to Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP).

Follow these steps to get there:

  1. Click Back () in Flow Builder to go back to Setup.
  2. Click the App Launcher () and find and select Opportunities.
  3. In the Opportunities list view, click on any Opportunity Name to open an opportunity record. (You may need to change your list view to All Opportunities first.)
  4. Click Setup () and then click Edit Page to go to the Lightning App Builder.
    A donation opportunity record with Edit Page in the Setup menu

Add the Flow Component to the Opportunity Lightning Page

Add the flow to the NPSP Opportunity Record Page now at the top of the secondary column, the one that contains the Activity Timeline and Chatter components.

To start, find the Flow component and drag it onto the canvas to the top of the secondary column above the Activities Timeline. 

The Flow component in Search results, ready to drag to the canvas

Then make these selections:

  1. Flow: Find and select the flow you created, Gift Acknowledgment. (If you completed the last step, it should be activated. If you don’t see it here, go back to the previous step and check your Playground.)
  2. Layout: One Column (the default)
  3. recordId: Leave the text field blank and select Pass record ID into this variable. This should automatically fill the recordId text field.

You don’t want this flow to appear on every opportunity. You only want your users to have the option to send this email if the opportunity is a donation from an individual, that individual has an email address in the system, the opportunity is in Closed Won status, and if it hasn’t been acknowledged yet.

You do that by adding a few filters under Set Component Visibility so the flow doesn’t appear if it doesn’t meet all the criteria.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click + Add Filter under Set Component Visibility. Add the email check first.
    • Filter Type: Advanced
    • Field: Click Select.
      • Select Record in the filter list.
      • Find and select Primary Contact in the next filter list.
      • Find and select Email in the next filter list.
      • Click Done.
    • Operator: Not Equal
    • Value: Leave this blank.
      The Advanced filter to check that an email address exists
    • Click Done.
  1. Now check that the opportunity is a donation from an individual. Click + Add Filter.
    • Filter Type: Advanced
    • Field: Click Select.
      • Select Record in the filter list.
      • Find and select Opportunity Record Type.
      • Find and select Name.
      • Click Done.
    • Operator: Equal
    • Value: Enter Donation.
      The Advanced filter to check that the opportunity type is donation
    • Click Done.
  1. Now check that the gift hasn’t already been acknowledged. Click + Add Filter.
    • Filter Type: Record Field, the default
    • Field: Find and select Acknowledgment Status
    • Operator: Not Equal
    • Value: Find and select Acknowledged.
      The Record Field filter to check that the gift hasn’t already been acknowledged
    • Click Done.
  1. For your last check, make sure the gift is in Closed Won status. Click + Add Filter.
    • Filter Type: Record Field, the default
    • Field: Find and select Stage.
    • Operator: Equal
    • Value: Find and select Closed Won.
      The Record Field filter to check that the gift is closed won
    • Click Done.
  1. Show component when: Select All filters are true, the default.
    Four filters in the Set Component Visibility window, with All filters are true selected
  2. Click Save.

You can check out the new flow on the record page by clicking Back () in the Lightning App Builder. It might not appear on the opportunity record if it doesn’t meet your filters, so test it on a new record.

The flow on an opportunity record

Use Your Flow

First, create a new contact with your email address so that you can test the email.

  1. Click the App Launcher () and find and select Nonprofit Success Pack.
  2. Click the Contacts Menu () on the Contacts tab, then New Contact in the menu.
  3. Enter these details:
    • First Name: Gorav
    • Last Name: Patel
    • Account Name: Leave this blank so that a new household account is automatically created.
    • Preferred Email: Personal, the default
    • Personal Email: Enter your email address.
  1. Click Save.

Now, create a new opportunity.

  1. On your new contact record, click New Donation.
  2. Opportunity Name: Leave as the default.
  3. Close Date: Leave as the default, today's date.
  4. Stage: Change to Closed Won.
  5. Amount: $100.00
  6. Click Save.

Click into the opportunity you just created by either clicking the opportunity name in the notification that appears, or go to the Related tab on the contact record and click the opportunity in the Opportunities related list.

On the opportunity, click Next in your new flow in the secondary column on the page. Check that the details in the email are correct and all of the details from the opportunity and contact records appear correctly.

A test email preview

If everything is correct, click Next to send the email.

Before you look for the email, check the opportunity record to see that the Acknowledgment Status and Acknowledgment Date fields are filled in automatically. Pretty cool, right?

The Acknowledgment Status and Acknowledgment Date fields on the Donation Information page

Now, go to your email client to check that you’ve received the email you just sent. It should have the subject line Thank you for your gift to No More Homelessness! and should be from the email address connected to your Trailhead account.

The test email in an email client

Flow: Achieved

At the (fictional) nonprofit No More Homelessness (NMH), Salesforce Admin Gorav demos his flow for the Fundraising team and they love it! They can’t wait to start using this right away.

The NMH Fundraising team celebrates with their Salesforce Admin, Gorav Patel.

In this project you set up a screen flow, learned about some important flow elements and variables, and deployed it so that it could be used. You might not need a gift acknowledgment, but with these same flow building blocks you can create other types of push-button emails to send to your donors, the people you serve, or your colleagues. Flow is a powerful tool—now you can start to use it to automate your team’s processes!

To complete this final step and earn your badge, launch your Trailhead Playground and click Verify to check that the email sent correctly and the opportunity fields are populated.


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