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Troubleshoot Publishing of Platform Events in Apex

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the two types of results you can get from a publishing call.
  • Get synchronous errors returned by the publish call.
  • Log errors in the debug log and inspect the debug log for errors.
  • Explain what Apex publish callbacks are.

Before You Begin

This module requires advanced Apex programming skills. Before you start this module, make sure you're familiar with Apex and platform events. To learn about those technologies, check out these resources.

Cloud Kicks Processes Orders Using Platform Events

Cloud Kicks is a retailer that receives orders for personalized sneakers. Vijay Lahiri, a developer at Cloud Kicks, is tasked to write an app that processes sneakers orders. He’s going to publish platform events for orders that customers place. In the next unit, Vijay uses a feature of platform events to catch asynchronous errors and republish the failed events.

The first step in order processing is to publish a platform event for orders placed. Publishing a platform event enables a subscriber app to receive the event and process the order asynchronously. Processing the order by listening to platform events helps scale order processing for high volumes of orders. In this unit, we explain how publishing of platform events is asynchronous and how to differentiate between synchronous errors returned by the publish call and the asynchronous result.

Cloud Kicks is a retailer that receives orders for personalized sneakers

Intermediate and Final Publishing Result

In Apex, you publish platform events using the EventBus.publish method. Publishing an event is asynchronous. When you publish an event, it’s queued in Salesforce and is published later when system resources are available. The returned result that you get immediately after the publish call executes is the intermediate result of queueing the event. If there are issues with the publish call, you can get an immediate error back, which is synchronous. For example, if you publish an event with a missing required field, you get an error. You can fix the publish call and retry publishing.

The immediate result is returned in Database.SaveResult. If the isSuccess method of Database.SaveResult returns true, the publish request is queued in Salesforce and the event message is published asynchronously. If isSuccess returns false, the event publish operation resulted in errors, which are returned in the Database.Error object.

Launch Your Trailhead Playground Now

We don’t have a hands-on challenge in this unit, but you can follow along and try out the steps in your own personal Trailhead Playground. You also use the playground when it's time to complete the hands-on challenges in the next units.

To launch your playground, first, make sure you’re logged in to Trailhead. Then click your user avatar in the upper-right corner of this page and select Hands-on Orgs from the dropdown. Click Launch next to the org you want to open. Or, if you want to create a new playground, click Create Playground.

Define a Platform Event

This module is based on a sample platform event called Order Event. Before you proceed further, define the Order Event platform event.

  • From Setup, enter Platform Events in the Quick Find box, then select Platform Events.
  • On the Platform Events page, click New Platform Event.
  • For Label, enter Order Event.
  • For Plural Label, enter Order Events.
  • If available, enable Starts with vowel sound.
  • For Description, enter Order events contain order data and are received by order processing apps.
  • Click Save.
  • In the Custom Fields & Relationships related list, click New.
  • Follow the wizard to add these fields.

Field Label/Name

Field Type



Number(16, 2)


Order Id

Text (18)


Inspect Immediate Errors Returned

Let's try publishing one event without the required Order_Id field and inspect the error that is printed in the debug log.

You can execute the Apex code snippet in the Developer Console.

  1. To open the Developer Console, click the quick access menu (“”), then click Developer Console.
  2. Click Debug | Open Execute Anonymous Window.
  3. In the new window, replace any contents with the code snippet, check Open Log, and then click Execute.
// Create an instance of the event and store it in the orderEvent variable
// Omit the OrderId field to get an error
Order_Event__e orderEvent = new Order_Event__e(
// Call method to publish events
Database.SaveResult sr = EventBus.publish(orderEvent);
// Inspect publishing result
if (sr.isSuccess()) {
    System.debug('Successfully published event.');
} else {
    for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) {
        System.debug('Error returned: ' +
                     err.getStatusCode() +
                     ' - ' +

In the opened log file, you get this error from the publish call. The error returned is a synchronous error because of publishing an event with the Order_Id required field missing.

code=[xmlrpc=1204, statusCode=REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, exceptionCode=null,
scope=PublicApi, http=400], message=You must enter a value: Order_Id__c,

Catch Asynchronous Errors with Apex Publish Callbacks

Vijay was able to get the synchronous errors. However, asynchronous publishing errors, which are caused by internal system errors and occur in rare cases, aren’t returned in the publish call result. Cloud Kicks wants to ensure high-quality customer service and doesn't want to miss processing any order event. It wants to capture asynchronous event publishing errors and be aware of them. In this case, Vijay can make use of Apex publish callbacks.

Without an Apex publish callback, Database.SaveResult of an EventBus.publish call returns only the intermediate queueing result, not the final result. With the callback, you can track the final result. You can track the asynchronous failure by implementing the onFailure method of the EventBus.EventPublishFailureCallback interface, as follows.

public class FailureCallback implements EventBus.EventPublishFailureCallback {

   public void onFailure(EventBus.FailureResult result) {
       // Your implementation
       // Get event UUIDs from the result
       List<String> eventUuids = result.getEventUuids();
       // ...


If the asynchronous publish operation fails, the onFailure method is invoked. In the implemented onFailure method, you can write logic to act in response to the final result of the publishing operation. The onFailure method takes a parameter that contains the result of the publish operation: EventBus.FailureResult result. The result contains the EventUuid field values for each failed event but doesn’t contain the data for the event. Use the getEventUuids method to get the universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of the events. Each event UUID is a UUID that identifies an event message.

You can also implement the onSuccess method to track successful results of EventBus.publish. We don't cover the onSuccess method in this module because most publish calls typically succeed. But you can learn more about the onSuccess method in the developer guide.


To Learn More

Publish callbacks apply only to Apex. The advantage of using Apex is that you can write event publishing code that runs on the Salesforce Platform. If you don’t have to publish on the platform, you can use Pub/Sub API to publish events. With Pub/Sub API, the result of event publishing is the final result. If a publish call succeeds, the event has been published and is stored in the event bus. For more information, see Get Started with Pub/Sub API in the Pub/Sub API Documentation.

Now that you have an idea what Apex publish callbacks are, in the next unit you learn how to write an Apex publish callback class and make use of it.


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