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Work with Case List Views

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of a cases list view.
  • Filter the results of a cases list view.
  • Create a new list view.
  • Change the owner of a case.

What Is a Case… and a List View?

Problems need to be logged and resolved. Cases to the rescue. Cases not only keep a log of customer issues, they also show agents a complete customer overview. To see lists of your cases, you use a list view—a view that shows all case records. List views are dynamic, so if a case is closed, a list view of open cases won’t include it. Numerous actions like filtering, creating, and updating can be done from the cases list view.

Filter Results

  1. In most cases, your list view defaults to Recently Viewed. To toggle to a different list view, click the down arrow next to the list view name and select My Cases.
  2. Click the Filter icon.
    Filter icon highlighted
  3. Click Add Filter.
  4. Select Account Name from the Field picklist to create a list view of cases by account.
  5. Select starts with from the Operator picklist.
  6. Enter a letter in the Value field.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Click Save to apply the filter to the list view.
  9. To remove the filter, click Remove All.
  10. Click Save.
  11. To close the Filters panel, click the X.

Filtering is most powerful when there are numerous records. Try adding a new case or two using the New button. Adjust your new filter to see the power of filtering. Additional filters can always be added if you need your list even more refined.

Create a New List View

  1. Click the List View Controls icon.List view control icon highlighted
  2. Select New.
  3. Enter a new name in the List Name field.
  4. Don’t worry about the List API Name, this is auto-generated.
  5. Select who should be able to see this list.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To toggle to a different list view, click the down arrow next to the list view name and select a different name.

Choose Fields to Be Displayed

  1. Click the List View Controls icon.
  2. Click Select Fields to Display.
  3. Move 1 or 2 fields from the Visible Fields to the Available Fields.
  4. Click Save and notice that the fields you removed are no longer visible in this list.

Change the Owner of the Case

  1. With your list view open, click the checkbox next to one or many case records.
  2. Click Change Owner.
    Change Owner button highlighted
  3. Enter a Salesforce User’s name and select their name.
  4. Add a check to the Send email notification checkbox to alert the new owner of this case transfer.
  5. Click Submit. If you are viewing the My Cases list view, this case will no longer be part of this list view as it is no longer a case owned by you.

As you can see, the cases list view is incredibly powerful and flexible. Be sure to keep exploring as there is even more that can be done within the cases list view.


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