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Explore Multi-Step Scheduling

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the Multi-Step Scheduling feature.
  • Describe the Advanced Therapy Management data model.

What Is Multi-Step Scheduling?

From biosample collection to product infusion, advanced therapies involve complicated logistics that occur at different locations. To facilitate ease of operations, Advanced Therapy Management offers Multi-Step Scheduling, a unique solution that optimizes slot management and multi-step appointment scheduling. Users can book a series of appointments across multiple locations, according to the lead time for each procedure.

So what does lead time mean in Advanced Therapy Management? It’s simply this: If you perform apheresis on December 1, and it takes one day to reach the manufacturing site (lead time of one day), the slots for the next procedure step of manufacturing are only shown on December 3.

Not just that. Hospitals often have tie-ups with other organizations that support services like infusion. Admins can capture the connections between affiliated sites by setting up parent-child service territories and site-to-site mappings. These mappings are called service territory relationships, and are used to set up the routes that make up the series of appointments. Both service territories and service territory relationships help streamline search results for available slots. 

Behind the Scenes

Advanced Therapy Management is built with Salesforce Scheduler and reuses a number of Scheduler objects, like Service Territory, Work Type, Service Resource, Service Territory Member, and Shifts. Advanced Therapy Management uses other objects that work with the existing Scheduler objects, like Work Procedure, Work Procedure Step, Service Territory Relationship, and Work Type Extension. To understand how each of these objects are used in Advanced Therapy Management, here’s an example of Charles Green.

Charles Green is a patient who has been diagnosed with a rare blood disease. He’s enrolled in the StayHealthy care program that offers an advanced therapy treatment called Oncarta (CAR T-cell) Therapy. 

Oncarta involves three steps: apheresis, manufacturing, and infusion. Each step occurs at a StayHealthy service territory. 

  • Apheresis is performed at a StayHealthy apheresis center
  • Manufacturing takes place at a StayHealthy manufacturing lab
  • Infusion is held at a StayHealthy infusion center

StayHealthy Hospital, the parent location, groups all these territories.

Here’s how this scenario is mapped to the objects in the Advanced Therapy Management data model. Note that only the objects that are relevant to this scenario are explained here. 

Objects mapped to different aspects of Charles Green’s Oncarta therapy.

Here’s a summary of the objects.



Charles is admitted to StayHealthy Hospital as a patient

Person Account (1)

A person account record combines information from the account and contact records of a patient.

Charles enrolls in the StayHealthy Oncarta Therapy care program

Care Program Enrollee (2)

A care program enrollee record stores information related to a patient in a care program.

Care Program (3)

A care program record represents a set of activities offered to patients primarily in the pharmaceutical industry. 

The StayHealthy care program offers an advanced therapy treatment called Oncarta (CAR T-cell) Therapy

Work Procedure (4)

A work procedure record stores information about a process or program, such as a therapy care program.

The Oncarta procedure involves three steps: apheresis, manufacturing, and infusion

Work Procedure Step (5)

A work procedure step record stores information about a work type that’s part of a work procedure.

Apheresis, manufacturing, and infusion are work types

Work Type (6)

A work type record represents a category of work. When associated with a work procedure, a work type is referred to as a work procedure step.

Each step occurs at a different site

Service Territory (7)

A service territory record set up as a child territory represents a site or location where a work type is performed.

A parent site, StayHealthy Hospital, groups all these sites

Service Territory (8)

A service territory record set up as a parent territory represents a site that groups all the child service territories where the work types are performed.

Apart from the objects in the table, there are a few other objects like Service Territory Relationship and Service Territory Work Type that help narrow down search results. Objects like Service Resource and Service Territory Member help define the time slots for work types. For a complete view of the Advanced Therapy Management data model, and for more details about each object, see the Salesforce Health Cloud Developer Guide.

In this unit, you were introduced to theMulti-Step Scheduling feature for Advanced Therapy Management. You also learned how objects in the Advanced Therapy Management data model are mapped to a patient’s treatment journey. In the next unit, you learn how to schedule appointment slots for your patients.


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