How to get started with Trailhead Trailmix
Learn your way around Trailhead - how to sign up, learn the lingo, set up a playground, and join the Community.
Salesforce 101 Trailmix
Trailmix on Salesforce and CRM Fundamentals, User Tour, Customer 360, etc
Salesforce Developer Trailmix
A collection of Developer focused Trails Mlodules for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Developers.
Customer Service Leaders Trailmix
Optimize your Customer Service and empower your agents Trailmix
Customer Service Agent Trailmix
Trailmix specifically for Customer Service Agents/Service Cloud End-users
Intro to Marketing Cloud Trailmix
Intro to Marketing Cloud, including Journey Builder, Content Builder, etc.
Marketing Best Practices Trailmix
Trailmix including Marketing Best Practices, Marketing Intelligence Report, Inclusive Marketing Practices, Meaure your Impact, AI, etc
Marketing Cloud Artificial Intelligence Trailmix
Evolve Your Marketing Strategy with Artificial Intelligence
Marketing Analytics Trailmix
A collection of Trails and Modules focused on Marketing Analytics, Tableau, Reports/Dashboards.
Marketing Cloud Social Studio Trailmix
Learn how to publish, engage, and analyze the social web with Marketing Cloud Social Studio.
Salesforce Anywhere(Quip) Trailmix
Salesforce Anywhere(Quip) combines documents, spreadsheets, and real-time chat inside Salesforce to boost teamwork and productivity.
Einstein Trailmix
See how AI is transforming CRM with smart predictions, intelligent recommendations, and timely automation.
Mulesoft Integration Trailmix
Empower IT and business users to create connected experiences, products, and services with the #1 integration and API platform - Mulesoft.
Consumer Goods Cloud Trailmix
Retail Execution, Data Model, Plan and Manage Store Visits, 360 Guide to Consumer Goods
Manufacturing Cloud Trailmix
Set up and configure Manufacturing Cloud features for your business.
Architect Journey: Prepare to Become a Certified Technical Architect (CTA)
Explore this compilation of architect domain specific Trailmixes to help build, hone and practice your skills on your #JourneytoCTA
Leadership, Culture, & Equality Trailmix
How Salesforce approaches these important topics. Salesforce Values. #SalesforceonSalesforce
Wellness & Sustainability Trailmix
Learn best practices for creating Wellness and Sustainability Programs #SalesforceonSalesforce