+400 points
Mindful Living with the Plum Village Monastics
Harness the power of mindfulness to reduce stress and create peace and joy in your day.
~1 hr 25 mins
The Nature of Reality, Exploring Metahuman with Deepak Chopra, MD
Deepak helps us liberate ourselves from old conditioning and all the mental constructs that underlie anxiety, tension and ego-driven demands
+200 points
The Value of Sleep
Get tips for better, more restorative sleep so you're ready to live your best life.
~20 mins
Brain Health and Resilience: Plum Village Monastics
Plum Village Monastics help us understand our mind and touch peace, gratitude, freedom and true happiness, even in an overstimulated world.
+300 points
~15 mins
+400 points
Healthy Eating with Salesforce’s Executive Chef
Get info, tips, and recipes to make delicious plant-rich meals.
~1 hr
Tips and Tricks for Telecommuting Success
Learn from LeeAnne Rimel, who has been working from home for 6 years, great tips and tricks.
+300 points
Virtual Collaboration
Learn how to collaborate with distributed teams and manage remote employees.
~45 mins