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Hi, i was doing assessment 


Enable Entitlements and Set Up Service Contracts and Getting this error even after adding entitlement related list on account page layout-" We can't find the Entitlements related list on the Account page layout."


Getting this error even after adding entitlement related list on account page layout-


63 answers
  1. Nov 1, 2021, 9:20 AM

    Hi Sandi


    I have same problem you. I got a big hint from Keiji (who make link to you), so I leave the answer what I solved.

    Follow below step.

    1. Edit the Record Type of Account

        Absolutely, you must got error message when deactivate Record Type.

        But push it.  SO you can see the profile list have usage of this Record Type.

    Hi Sandi I have same problem you. I got a big hint from Keiji (who make link to you), so I leave the answer what I solved.Follow below step.1.

    2. Click each Profile.

    3. Go Record Type Setting (scroll down this page)

    record type setting.PNG

    4.Remove Selected Record Type

    record type remove.PNG

    You almost touch down. It is nine yard.

    5. If you remove each profile's Selected Record Type, You can deactivate this Record Type.

    6. After the check deactivate of that Record Type, You VERIFY again.


    That was my case when can't not find Entitlements in page layout of Account object.

    Thanks for hint Keiji Otsubo (FUKADA DENKI CORPORATION).

  2. Jul 16, 2021, 11:52 PM


    I fixed it by disabling one of the Record type on Account object. You need to remove Default record type on profiles before you can deactivate a Record Type on Account Object

  3. Mar 24, 2022, 5:29 AM

    This comment feed has been super helpful and if you still have troubles or struggles, I will sum everything up for your or any future troubleshooters' convenience! :)

    To sum everything up in steps:

    (1) go to "user management setting" > disable "enhance user interface" in order to display "record type setting" under user | profile as follows:

    This comment feed has been super helpful and if you still have troubles or struggles, I will sum everything up for your or any future troubleshooters' convenience! :)To sum everything up in steps:(1)

    (2) go to "object manager" > "account" > "record type" > disable "partner account" but you will run into a troubleshoot

    run into troubleshoot.JPG

    (3) then click the individual profile which will redirect you to the specific user, that I circle (instead of finding one by one which to disable) //or refer to @준호 여 (i2max) 

    (4) after that find the record type:

    partner account.JPG

    (5) remove the selected record type:

    record type partner.JPG

    (6) last, deactivate partner type and you are finally done!!! :))

    disable partner type.JPG

  4. Jul 12, 2021, 3:01 PM

    There is a note in the module saying that for this, you cannot have record types enabled for the account object. I recently completed another challenge in which I created record types for the account object- if you all have done the same, that may be the issue. 

  5. Sep 11, 2021, 7:00 PM

    Can confirm that the issue is the record types. If you do not want to rebuild a playground and start over, you can go into the profiles using the record types and switch them to master, then disable the two record types created in the previous units. This works and is much faster than setting up and re-doing the assignment in another playground

  6. Jan 17, 2022, 2:28 PM

    I have solved this problem recently. All you have to do is go to account->Record Types->deactivate  a default record type. If it says that this record type is used by some profiles, then go to those profiles-> record type settings and change the default record type from there. Then again try to deactivate default record type of account. Hope that works for you guys as well! 

  7. Jan 23, 2022, 5:06 AM

    This worked for me:

    1) Click Setup > Object Manager > Account > Record Types 

    2) Click "Page Layout Assignment"

    3) Click "Edit Assignment"

    4) Select Your Profile (System Administrator) row

    5) On top, under "Page Layout to Use:", select "Account Layout" (i.e. change "Training Account Layout" to "Account Layout")

    6) Click Save

  8. Nov 15, 2021, 10:05 PM

    This challenge was disappointing and tough. I had to go an extremely round-about way to resolve this error: we can't find the Entitlements related list on the Account page layout.

    In order to 'deactivate' customer / partner acct record types as suggested in the comments, I had to go to each user assigned to the record type and edit the assigned from x to 'master' Finally worked -- not a seamless way to go about it. Because idk if ill need those settings for another module.

  9. Jul 21, 2021, 2:56 PM

    @Pradeep Kumar Narayanasetty error was related to Account page layout, in my org there were 5 layout defined on Account Object, even though I added Entitlements related list on all of them but it didn't work. Next thing I check was page layout assignment, there I saw the Page layouts were assigned base on Record Type therefore I disabled one of them so page layout assignment will be generic for all.  

  10. Jul 17, 2021, 4:29 PM

    Hey guys, felt I owed my own [SOLVED] method because I ended up passing the challenge however through much frustration the only way I was able to was to create a new playground and start from the beginning. The issue seems to be Record Types in Account (what I diagnosed) from previous challenges done prior. I was able to complete this challenge by creating a new playground! 
