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Begin and Close Cases with Survey Invitations

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Send a survey invitation based on case auto-response rules.
  • Send a survey invitation on case closure.
  • View feedback provided by the contact associated with a case.

Know What a Customer Feels Before and After a Case

Gabriela wants to gather customer feedback during the lifecycle of a case. She has two requests for Maria. First, she wants to send survey invitations for the Net Promoter Score survey every time a case is created via Ursa Major Solar’s website. This helps the service reps determine what the customers think about their products before they start working on a case. 

Next, she wants to send invitations for the Customer Satisfaction survey to gather feedback on a closed case. Both surveys must be sent to the customer who logged the case.

Maria gets back to Gabriela on the same day. Maria plans to use Case Auto-Response Rules to send survey invitations when cases are created via their website. To send survey invitations after cases are closed, she plans to use Support Settings.

Send Survey Invitations Using Case Auto-Response Rules

Ursa Major Solar’s website already captures cases using Salesforce’s Web-to-Case. Maria only needs to set up an auto-response rule that emails an invitation to the case’s contact when a case is created using Web-to-Case. Here’s how she does it.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Case Auto-Response Rules.
  3. Select Case Auto-Response Rules.
  4. Click New.
  5. Name the auto-response rule. Enter New Case (Product Feedback).
  6. Select Active and click Save.
  7. Click New Case (Product Feedback).
  8. In the Rules Entries section, click New.
  9. In Sort Order, enter 1.
  10. Specify the following criteria:
    • Field: Case: Status
    • Operator: Equals
    • Value: New
  1. Specify the following name and address for the auto-response message.
    • Name: Gabriela Livingston
    • In the Email Address field, enter your own email id. This information doesn’t appear in the email invitation.
  1. In the section Step 4, select the email template that you want to send. This email template is used to send out a separate email to the customer. You can use it to let the customer know that a case has been created.
  2. In the section Step 5, click Search.

The Survey field is disabled if Surveys is not enabled and there’s no default community configured in your org. If you enable Surveys while on the Case Auto-Response Rules page, refresh the page. To learn how to configure (create, activate, and publish) a community, check the links in the Resources section. Once configured, ensure that you select that community as the default Experience Cloud Site in survey settings.

  1. Select the survey you want to email on case creation. Maria selects Net Promoter Score

The Case Auto-Response Rules page with Net Promoter Score survey selected

  1. Click Save.

Send Survey Invitations on Case Closure

On the Support Settings page, Maria selects the survey that she wants to send when a case is closed.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Support Settings.
  3. Click Support Settings.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Customer Feedback Survey field, click Search.

The Customer Feedback Survey field is disabled if Surveys is not enabled and there’s no default community configured in your org. If you enable Surveys while on the Support Settings page, make sure to refresh the page.

  1. Select Customer Satisfaction.

The Support Settings page with the user selected

  1. Click Save.

When a case is closed, an email containing a link to the Customer Satisfaction survey is sent to the contact associated with the case.


 In order to use Case Support Settings for Surveys, you must have a default value for Communities.

View Case Survey Feedback

Maria wants to make it easy for Gabriela to find the responses provided by the customers. Maria adds the Survey Invitations and Responses related list to the Case object’s page layout.

  1. Click Setup and select Setup.
  2. Click Object Manager.
  3. In the Quick Find box, enter Case.
  4. Select Case.
  5. Click Case Page Layouts.
  6. Click Case Layout.
  7. Under Case Layout, click Related Lists.
  8. Drag Survey Invitations and Responses to the Related Lists section.
  9. Click Properties in the Related List section.
  10. Maria decides to display the following fields on the related list.
    • Record Name
    • Invitation Record
    • Response Record
    • Response Status
    • Response Submitted By

Related List Properties of Survey Invitations and Responses

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Yes to add these changes for users across your org and overwrite users’ personal customizations.

The customer feedback for survey invitations associated with a case can be found in the Related tab of the case record in Survey Invitations and Responses list.

Gabriela can now use the Survey Invitations and Responses related list to view the customer feedback for survey invitations associated with a case. In the next unit, we’ll find out how the team automates survey invitations sent to sales reps.


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