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Explore Salesforce Maps on Desktop

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify available features of the Salesforce Maps user interface.
  • Explain key differences between routes and schedules.

Hi there! Welcome to the Salesforce Maps user interface, a mapping environment that visualizes your data and enhances business processes. This intelligent interface helps you boost revenue and productivity. This module assumes that your Salesforce Maps environment has been configured and marker layers have been created as outlined in Salesforce Maps Configuration and Create a Salesforce Maps Marker Layer. Any user with a Salesforce Maps license has access to the Maps application.  

Let’s Get Oriented

Users can access Salesforce Maps by selecting the Maps tab or navigating to the Salesforce Maps tile from the App Launcher

Once selected, let’s start our tour of the user interface.

The left toolbar and navigation menu provides access to the following tabs: Layers, Routes, Schedule, and List.  

Screenshot shows the left sidebar of the Salesforce Maps user interface. The following tabs are highlighted, Layers, Routes, Schedule, and List. The available options under the Layers tab are numbered.

Once the Layers tab is selected, the following options are available. 

  1. Recent: Displays up to five recently plotted layers and any layers set to plot on load.
  2. Saved: Provides access to folders, subfolders, and layers. Some users may not see personal and user folders. Access to both are controlled in the Salesforce Maps configuration menu, discussed in the Salesforce Maps Configuration module.
    • Personal folder: Contains private folders and layers unique to an individual user.
    • User folder: Contains personal user folders and follows the Salesforce role hierarchy set forth in your Salesforce org.
    • Corporate folder: A public folder, access to subfolders are controlled by folder permissions.
  1. On The Map: Displays all layers currently plotted on the map.
  2. Search saved layers: Search for any layer by name.
  3. Layer type: Displays all layer types that can be checked or unchecked.
  4. New: Displays layer creation options once a folder has been selected.

The other three tabs are:

  • Routes: Displays new routes or can be used to view and edit saved routes.
  • Schedule:  Displays new scheduled events and can be used to view saved Salesforce calendar events.
  • List: Provides a list view of any plotted marker layers. If plotting markers as a list, plot a marker layer or multiple marker layers and select the List tab. Each marker layer displays as its own tab in a list view at the bottom of the map.

Routes and Schedules

Throughout this module you learn about routes and schedules, both designed to help users plan efficient customer visits. 

How do you determine which tool to use?

There are three fundamental ways routes and schedules differ.  

  • Schedules sync with the Salesforce calendar to display calendar events and let users add new events. Routes do not create Salesforce calendar events.
  • Schedules require all appointments to have a start and end time. Records added to a route don’t require scheduled start and end times, but appointment times and duration can be optionally added.
  • Schedules lets users optimize up to a week of appointments at a time. Routes allows users to optimize up to a day of appointments at a time.

Users should consider these differences when determining which feature to use.

Map Toolbar Options

As we move forward with our tour of the Salesforce Maps user interface, notice that the toolbar has additional icons, these include:

Screenshot shows the continuation of the toolbar with all feature icons numbered 1 through 12.

  1. My Position: Plots your current position.
  2. Zoom To Fit:  Adjusts the map zoom level to display all markers currently plotted on the map.
  3. Home: Sets your default map view or lets you go to your default view.
  4. Map Types: Displays different map tiles types, such as ESRI Street, ESRI Topography, ESRI Imagery, Google Road, Google Terrain, Google Hybrid, and Google Satellite. The system default tile can be changed in the Salesforce Maps configuration menu.
  5. Weather:  Lets users display different weather overlays.
  6. Show Traffic:  Plots real-time traffic data.
  7. Move the map: Lets users change the map view by dragging the position of the map.
  8. Polygon:  Lets users draw a freeform polygon.
  9. Circle: Lets users draw a circle on the map through click-and-drag functionality.
  10. Rectangle: Lets users draw a rectangle on the map through click-and-drag functionality.
  11. Point of Interest Search: Searches points of interest, records in marker layers, and records in Salesforce. Searching features are controlled in the Salesforce Maps configuration menu under global search settings.
  12. Setting Gear icon: Manages default settings for routes and schedule, list view, and Salesforce Maps Data.

Additional Navigation Features

As we travel down the right side of the map, there are a few more options.

Screenshot shows the options on the right side of the map. Each feature is numbered.

  1. Pegman street view icon:  Allows for drag-and-drop functionality to Google street view.
  2. Zoom control navigation: Zooms in and out of the map.
  3. Full screen view: Displays a full view of the map without the toolbar and left navigation menu.

That completes our tour of the user interface. Now you know how to navigate the map! Let’s look at some common use cases demonstrating how users can employ Salesforce Maps to geographically view data to help them increase productivity and revenue.   


User Interface—Quiz Scenario

Candace Evans is a sales rep at Cloud Kicks. She wants to see all of her open opportunities on the map. To display this information, she opens the corporate folder and plots the marker layer My Open Opportunities . Next, she puts a shape on the map around a group of accounts. She calls each account, schedules meetings, and then saves each meeting as an event in her Salesforce calendar. 

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