Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist Overview
Exam guide, study materials, courses, etc.
Visitors & Prospects
Exam Weight 8%
Account Engagement for Targeted Audiences
Learn to generate leads and nurture those leads until they are sales ready.
Exam Weight 11%
Integration von Account Engagement und Salesforce für die Lightning-Anwendung
Verbinden Sie Account Engagement mit Salesforce, um Ihre Marketing- und Vertriebsteams aufeinander abzustimmen.
Marketing Cloud Account Engagement – Grundlagen
Erfahren Sie, was Account Engagement ist und wie es Sie beim Vermarkten Ihrer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen an andere Unternehmen unterstützen kann.
Pardot Forms, Form Handlers and Landing Pages
Exam Weight 20%
Lead Management
Exam Weight 24%
Marketing Strategy with Account Engagement: Quick Look
Create a marketing strategy for your company with the help of Account Engagement.
Email Marketing
Exam Weight 20%
Email Sending in Account Engagement: Quick Look
Bring email marketing to a whole new level with Pardot.
Email Marketing for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Create and send emails to support your marketing automation strategy.
Engagement Studio
Exam Weight 17%
Engagement Studio for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Build responsive, highly personalized customer journeys using Engagement Studio.
Additional Preparation
Additional resources to help prepare you for certification.
Drive Sales with Account Engagement (PDX101)
(Optional) Instructors will present different scenarios tied to the exam objectives to help prepare you for your exam.