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~ 1 Minute

What Is Sales Management?

Master the skills, techniques, and tools you need to take your sales team to the next level.

~ 10 Minuten

The 16 Do’s of Highly Effective Sales Managers

Sales success starts with these key strategies.

~ 5 Minuten

Sales Strategy Guide: 5 Steps to More Efficient Selling

Focus on your customer, choose the sales process to match, and make your sellers more productive: a recipe for predictable revenue.

~ 10 Minuten

How to Create a Sales Plan: A Complete Guide (Tips + Examples)

Write a sales plan that can adjust to change, and zero in on the actions that will hit your goals.

~ 10 Minuten
+200 Punkte

Zusammenarbeit im Vertriebsteam

Verwenden Sie die Salesforce-Tools für die Zusammenarbeit für den Vertrieb im Team.

~ 15 Minuten
+200 Punkte

Teamkultur im Vertrieb

Schaffen Sie in Ihrer Organisation eine gesunde, produktive und lebendige Vertriebskultur.

~ 20 Minuten
+200 Punkte

Strategien für Vertriebsleistung

Legen Sie im Rahmen eines strategischen Vertriebsmanagements Leistungsziele fest und schaffen Sie Anreize für Vertriebsteams.

~ 15 Minuten

10 Effective Sales Coaching Tips That Work

This is what effective sales coaching looks like now.

~ 10 Minuten

Pipeline Reviews Are the Worst — Here Are 9 Easy Ways To Fix Them

Here's how to fix common pipeline meeting mistakes.

~ 5 Minuten

9 Sales KPIs Every Sales Team Should Be Tracking

More sales data isn’t always better. You need a clear focus on metrics that matter. Here are 9 critical sales KPIs.

~ 8 Minuten

The Complete Guide to Building a Sales Forecast

Sales forecasting is both an art and a science. Take a deep dive in how to forecast like a pro.

~ 15 Minuten

How a Strong Data Culture Can Make Your Forecasting More Accurate

Consistent sales projections start with open access to data — for everyone from rep to exec. Here’s how to do it.

~ 4 Minuten
+300 Punkte

Sales Cloud Essentials – Grundlagen

Sorgen Sie für Umsatzwachstum, steigern Sie die Produktivität und treffen Sie clevere Entscheidungen mit Sales Cloud.

~ 15 Minuten
+200 Punkte

Time Management for Sales Teams

Maximize your day to meet your sales goals.

~ 15 Minuten