What Is a CDP?
Learn about what a Customer Data Platform (CDP) can do for your company in this Salesforce Blog.
Getting Started with a Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Discover if your business needs a CDP in this step-by-step guide.
Customer Data Platform Strategy
Create a customer data platform strategy that delivers marketing success.
Data Cloud Checklist and Considerations
Make a copy of this checklist to help build out your CDP requirements.
Kundendaten für Marketingfachleute
Nutzen Sie Kundendaten, um personalisierte, ansprechende Erfahrungen zu schaffen.
Data Cloud and the Ethical Use of Data: Trailmix
Learn how you can use ethical practices when building marketing segments in Data Cloud for Marketing.
Data Cloud Basics for Marketers
Discover the customer data platform for marketers and prepare for implementation.
Data Cloud Implementation Guides
Learn about the steps involved in the implementation of Data Cloud.
Steps for Admins
Learn about Salesforce CDP admin tasks.
Salesforce-Administrator: Schnelleinstieg
Erfahren Sie, welche Aufgaben Salesforce-Administratoren haben und welche Fertigkeiten sie benötigen.
Richten Sie Benutzer ein und steuern Sie, inwieweit diese Ihre Geschäftsdaten anzeigen oder bearbeiten können.
Data Cloud User Permission Sets
Learn about the permission sets for users based on your Data Cloud product.
Steps for Data Aware Specialists
Learn key steps and information for users that will be ingesting data and building your CDP's data model.
Customer 360 Data Model Subject Areas
Learn about the standard subject areas (or groupings of DMOs) available for data modeling.
Daten und Identität in Data Cloud
Lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Datenzuordnung, Identitätsbestimmung und zusammengeführten Datensätzen kennen.
Data Modeling Requirements for Identity Resolution
Read the help article to learn data requirements for Identity Resolution.
Additional Resources
Find additional resources where you can learn more about Customer Data Platform
Trailblazer Community Group: Salesforce CDP
Join the community group to learn how Salesforce CDP can help you deliver personalized experiences across every touchpoint.
Salesforce Architect Blog
Read blog articles from Salesforce articles on various topics including Customer Data Platform.