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#Trailhead Challenges2.425 diskutieren mit

Hands-on challenges are the “secret sauce” of Trailhead. Before searching for solutions to superbadge challenges, review the Salesforce Certification Program Agreement and Policies.

Once completing the project and then verifying the step, I get an error message stating "Step not yet complete in Product Customization Playground

We can’t find the Product family named Service Packages".

   Additionally, this is a newly create Playground as instructed.  


I have verified several time that Service Packages is listed in Product Family.   

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.  


#Trailhead Challenges  #Salesforce Admin


I'm looking to get started with Salesforce B2B Commerce. Can anyone share the best resources, tips, or learning paths to help me get up to speed?

Also, are there any certifications or specific courses that would be beneficial for someone starting in this area?

Thanks in advance for your guidance!

4 Antworten
  1. 8. Jan., 13:50

    Hi @Srilekha Lella,


    Salesforce B2B Commerce is a great field to explore, especially with the growing demand for B2B eCommerce solutions. Formerly known as CloudCraze, it helps businesses create scalable and personalized online stores.

    Here’s how you can get started:

    1. B2B Commerce Overview and Basics

    • B2B Commerce Basics
    •  Learn the key features of Salesforce B2B Commerce like catalogs, pricing, and order management.

    2. Salesforce B2B Commerce Administration

    3. Salesforce Commerce Cloud Developer

    • Commerce Cloud Developer
    •  Learn how to extend and customize Salesforce B2B Commerce with custom storefronts and integrations.

    4. Salesforce B2B Commerce Integration

    • Integrating B2B Commerce
    •  Learn how to integrate Salesforce B2B Commerce with other Salesforce products or third-party systems.

    5. B2B Commerce Developer Resources

    Certification Preparation Trails

    1. B2B Commerce Administrator

    2. B2B Commerce Developer

    • B2B Commerce Developer Prep
    •  This trail helps you get ready for the B2B Commerce Developer certification, focusing on storefront development and order management.

    Other Resources

    These resources should help you get up to speed with Salesforce B2B Commerce. Let me know if you need more help!

    Let me know if you need any further changes!


    #Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead #B2C Commerce #Pardot B2b Marketing Automation #B2B Commerce #B2C Commerce Cloud



I am trying to complete a Revenue Cloud Trailmix. As part of that is the "Manage Products, Prices, Quotes, and Orders" project. I have completed quite of the few of the other steps prior to that. Within this project is the "Create an Opportunity and Add Products to It". I have active products and pricebooks. When I go to the opportunity (created as directed in the lesson) I click on the Choose Pricebook button on the related Product and choose the Nonprofit price book and click Save. It then says to add products. But the Add Products button is not there. Not sure if it is important but I create a new developer org today to complete this trailmix as my other dev org expired.  


How can I get to Add Products? 


Thank you. 


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead  #Trailhead Support  #Trailhead Developer Org

8 Antworten
  1. 11. Feb., 00:09

    Hi There, 

    I was able to get through the product additions by creating a new playground (my third ow). But now I can't pass the "Control Access to Price Books and Products" module because I can't create the two required users in the module called "Create and Customize Products" as I don't have an additional user with a Salesforce License Type.  

    This is all part of the "Manage Products, Prices, Quotes, and Orders". 

    How do I correct that? We are only given 2 salesforce licenses and one is me and one goes to one of the new users. 

    Thank you. 



I cannot create the second user for Alex Woszniak as I do not have an additional salesforce license. So, this means in the "Control Access to Price Books and Products"

module I cannot test as Alex Wozniak and it will not let me move on. Please help correct this. 


#Trailhead Challenges  #Trailhead

4 Antworten
  1. Smitha Thomas (CIBC) Forum Ambassador
    11. Feb., 16:15

    Hi @Rachel Linder


    Update your user record for "Ian Lin" as per the instructions. You will then have an extra license for Alek Wozniak.

    Hi , Update your user record for

4 Antworten
  1. 17. Jan., 11:54

    Hello @Matchender Valavoju

    Please verify that the case was created and verify that it has the correct setting i.e.

    Case Type: The case type should be set to "Billing Support".

    Account: The account should be set to "Edge Communications".

    Contact:  The contact should be set to "Sean Forbes".


    Thanks everyone! I deleted everything, launched a new playground, and started over from scratch again and it worked. I still have no idea what was different, but I only had to create Sean Forbes once instead of twice the second time around, because it pulled him up in the lookup contact field in the second support case (with the new playground). It didn't pull him up when I created the Billing support case so I had to create him from scratch. All good now though! Thanks everyone!!!


Hi Team,


I completed the "Create and Customize Products" Trail , but I received the following message:

"We can’t find the Product family named Service Packages."

Attached is a screenshot of the created Service Packages Product family.


Could you please advise?


Thank you!


#Trailhead Challenges

2 Antworten
  1. Divya Chauhan (Kcloud Technologies) Forum Ambassador
    2. Jan., 08:54

For some reason I am unable to create a second user in this module.  I made sure there weren't any other active users.  


Create and Customize Products


#Trailhead Challenges

8 Antworten
  1. 16. Okt. 2024, 12:04

    @Erin Shimko,

    • As per instruction you need to create only one  new user user(  Alek  Wozniak )
    • for second user(  Ian  Lin ) only update  username ( of current System Administrator) 