Finishing up on the last couple of modules for #TDX24 but getting stuck on Create Flow Tests. Trying to run the 'Run This Flow Once At the Start' but it fails with 'An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information.'
Debugging says:
This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: License Limit Exceeded - Salesforce.
I've tried finding more info on this through help but haven't succeeded. Any assistance is appreciated.
Hello @Adarsh Nair, @Patricia Filipovic, @Sathvika Totakura
Issue here is related to the 'Salesforce' licenses available as the error message said: 'LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: License Limit Exceeded - Salesforce.'
The thing is that when you run that flow it tries to create a User called Ezra Mustang and there are not Salesforce licenses available to do so.
To solve the issue go to Setup --> Users, select any user that has the License type 'Salesforce' granted, click on Edit button and deactivate that user by unchecking Active checkbox.
Then run the flow again and it will work.