I am trying to create a flow that will update only
the SBQQ__Status__c field on SBQQ__Quote__c when the SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c is less than today's date and SBQQ__Status__c is not equal to "Expired" or "PO Received".
I am getting a massive number of INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY errors. I have looked at Quotes that are throwing the error. I checked the ID fields (CreatedById, LastModifiedById, OwnerId, SBQQ__Account__c, SBQQ__Opportunity2__c, etc.) I selected 10 Quotes at random and all of the corresponding Users, Accounts, Opportunities, etc. exist and are active.
I also took several of these Quotes and manually marked them "Expired." There were no errors.
I also updated several Quotes using the Data Import function in the Salesforce Inspector browser add-in with no errors.
I modeled this flow after a flow that updates Campaigns based on Start Date. That flow is working with no errors (and no complaints from the end-users).
The Quote is fairly simple:
This is the entry criteria. At this point, I am just trying to test a small group of records. The final flow should update all Quotes expiring before the current date that are not already Expired or PO Received:
The first Decision checks whether any records were found:
The second Decision checks the current Status:
The Assignment only updates the Status field:
And the Update element updates the record:
What else can I check/test/try? Please advise
#Flows #Salesforce Flow #Flownatics #FlowBuilder #Scheduled Flow #Flow Error #CPQ #Salesforce CPQ & Billing #Quotes #INVALID CROSS REFERENCE KEY