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#Flownatics5 diskutieren mit

I am trying to create a flow that will update only

the SBQQ__Status__c field on SBQQ__Quote__c when the SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c is less than today's date and SBQQ__Status__c is not equal to "Expired" or "PO Received". 


I am getting a massive number of INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY errors.  I have looked at Quotes that are throwing the error.  I checked the ID fields (CreatedById, LastModifiedById, OwnerId, SBQQ__Account__c, SBQQ__Opportunity2__c, etc.)  I selected 10 Quotes at random and all of the corresponding Users, Accounts, Opportunities, etc. exist and are active. 


I also took several of these Quotes and manually marked them "Expired."  There were no errors. 


I also updated several Quotes using the Data Import function in the Salesforce Inspector browser add-in with no errors. 


I modeled this flow after a flow that updates Campaigns based on Start Date.  That flow is working with no errors (and no complaints from the end-users). 


The Quote is fairly simple:

What Causes INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY When Trying to Update SBQQ__Status__c on the SBQQ__Quote__c Object Using a Schedule Triggered Flow?

This is the entry criteria.  At this point, I am just trying to test a small group of records.  The final flow should update all Quotes expiring before the current date that are not already Expired or PO Received: 



The first Decision checks whether any records were found: 


The second Decision checks the current Status: 


The Assignment only updates the Status field: 


And the Update element updates the record: 


What else can I check/test/try?  Please advise 








#Flows  #Salesforce Flow  #Flownatics  #FlowBuilder  #Scheduled Flow  #Flow Error  #CPQ  #Salesforce CPQ & Billing  #Quotes  #INVALID CROSS REFERENCE KEY


[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 SECRET to NO CODE Visual Progress Indicators in Salesforce Flow! 


In this video, I will be sharing how to implement a visual progress indicator in Salesforce Flow without writing any custom code, just by doing some configurations. 


▬ Contents of this video  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 

0:01 - Introduction 

0:43 - Implement the basic use case 

4:26 - Implement the complex use case 

9:45 - Use the variable Flow ActiveStages 

11:26 - Use the variable Flow CurrentStage 

12:06 - Activate this feature in older flows 

12:44 - Final Thoughts



[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 SECRET to NO CODE Visual Progress Indicators in Salesforce Flow! In this video, I will be sharing how to implement a visual progress indicator in Salesforce Flow without writing any custom


@The Blog Group @* Release Readiness Trailblazers *



#Flow  #Salesforce Flow  #Flownatics  #New Releases  #Release Readiness


[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 Call Apex Invocable Method From Salesforce Flow - Part II 


Learn how to call Apex methods from Salesforce Flow in this two-part series! This second video covers a more complex use case: passing multiple input types to Apex and receiving multiple output types back into your Flow. 

@The Blog Group








[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 Call Apex Invocable Method From Salesforce Flow - Part II Learn how to call Apex methods from Salesforce Flow in this two-part series! This second video covers a more complex use case: pass







#Apex  #Apex Class  #Invocable Actions  #Invocable Method  #InvocableVariable  #Flow  #Flows  #Flownatics


Build Flows with Flow Builder 

I get the following error message when trying to complete the challenge:


We set the value of the 'number' variable and subtracted '100' from it, but didn't get the expected result. Check your formula and use 'Insert a resource picker' to add the 'number' variable to the formula.

I've followed the instructions of the challenge but I'm guessing I've missed a step. 

Also tried the value "Subtract 100 from the number variable" but this didn't work either.


Stuck on

93 Antworten
  1. 22. Aug. 2022, 22:05

    Hi @Harriete Arnold,

    Your formula should look like this:




    Just reference the number variable you created earlier.


    EDIT since this is getting a lot of views and some people seem to be struggling with this challenge:

    - "It won't save". It does save, the error you're getting is just a warning that doesn't prevent you from saving the flow.

    - Spelling: Don't just type the answer above when creating your formula. Reference the number variable you created in the previous step by inserting the resource into your formula. Also make sure your variables match the exact spelling in the instructions. They're case-sensitive. 

    - Save new version: Make sure you save, or save as before checking the challenge.


Mark your calendars for a new episode of "Automate This!" on April 16:


#Flownatics @Jeff Susich and @Jon Chen will share how they used the Custom Error element in a record-triggered flow to craft user-friendly error messages in their automation solutions.


Can't join us live? No problem. Watch this video on demand at the same URL above.Mark your calendars for a new episode of

1 Kommentar

I have enabled Duplicate Rules in our sanbox and have people testing in there right now. I have made sure that Action on Create and Action on Edit is set to Allow for all rules. I do have a Process set up that is creating a Contact record when the User creates an Account. 


However, I'm getting an error email from my Process that states:


"Error element myRule_13_A1 (FlowRecordCreate).


This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: DUPLICATES_DETECTED: You're creating a duplicate record. We recommend you use an existing record instead."


What is the point of having the ability to still allow record creation if it's going to stop record creation? We have reasons to create duplicate records sometimes so I don't want to prevent these records from being created.

I am trying to get people to buy in to using Duplicate Management so we can stop using a home grown account duplicate management apex class that was designed in 1902. If this doesn't work right, I will not win them over.


Would appreciate anyone's help on this. Thanks!
11 Antworten
  1. 11. Apr. 2024, 01:01

    This actually helped me get a flow running in the utility bar to quickly capture leads for Biz Dev Reps.  Thank-you!


[▶️]🔴🔥🎬  How To Display Uploaded File Names in Salesforce Flow

Discover the hidden feature in Salesforce Flow that allows you to easily display uploaded file names! Elevate your Flow capabilities with this simple tip and make the most out of your Salesforce experience. Watch now to learn how to incorporate this timesaving feature into your workflow.


@The Blog Group[▶️]🔴🔥🎬 How To Display Uploaded File Names in Salesforce FlowDiscover the hidden feature in Salesforce Flow that allows you to easily display uploaded file names! Elevate your Flow capabilities wit


#Salesforce Developer #Salesforce Developers #Platform Developer II #Salesforce Admin #Flow #Screen Flow #Flownatics #Salesforce Flow #Upload Files


I wrote this to answer a post but they took it down so I decided to share with all:


You just created a record triggered flow that does just what you need and saves a lot of time or adds a lot of value. But now you have hundred or thousands of records that need to be brought into the fold. It's not always worth going "back". Sometimes it's best to start on a certain date. But with flow... you have a neat and simple option these days.


If people tell you you will need to export your records, edit them in EXCEL and then upload, don't do it. There's a far easier way. Something in your mind may tell you you should get a bunch of records and then loop over them causing a change to trigger the flow. That's OK but there's still a more direct way.


You've got a flow that knows how to work on a single record.  Copy that flow and make it a scheduled flow instead of a record triggered flow. Use the filter to select all items that need to be fixed up. Start small. Add a specific record ID to the filter so that the scheduled flow will only match one record. Be sure. Then schedule a couple of minute into the future and wait. Check that the flow handled your one record right. Then change the filter to run on all records that start with AB or some other criteria that means a few. Schedule it. Report on your results so you are sure you're doing the right then. Then go ahead and set the filter to run on all records that need the retractive change.  Salesforce scheduling takes care of batching and running the flow to avoid limits. This usually works. It can fail but I think it's becoming rarer to fail.


Often you don't even have to make any other changes than copy the flow, change to scheduled flow, and set the criteria. Sometimes you have to add a little exit at the top of the flow to detect that there is no work to be done. This gives better efficiency or prevent running twice if the answer won't be the same from run to r un.


@The Blog Group  #Flownatics @MVPs & AppExchange All Stars 

2 Kommentare
  1. 13. Feb. 2024, 15:37

    Just a note to those who have CPQ: this will only work on a maximum of 50 Opportunity records.  There are two SOQL queries that run when an Opportunity is updated and you will run into the  "Too many SOQL queries: 101" error.


    It is incredibly frustrating that such an expensive software will only update a maximum of 50 records because of a component for which you are paying extra.  For your own sanity, try to find a way to break your records into groups of 50 or fewer before attempting this.


I ask, because I have 2 on a screen.  Their visibility is controlled by a quick choice comp of visual cards.  My user chooses the object to upload the csv to via quick choice.  The correct convert csv to records LWC displays, I upload the file, it auto advances to the next screen where I have a datatable (standard) that shows the imported data for the user to verify and it shows up with tiny rows.  I then added the error message above the datatable for me but also a good guide for the user.  Every single field in the template I provide for the upload is invalid.  How?  I did an extract of the object with dataloader.  I even took the extracted file, opened in google sheets and excel, highlight the first row, removed all formatting, cut the first row, pasted it back with no formatting, and I still get the error.

#Flow #Unofficial SF #Flownatics #Help

Convert CSV to Records – LWC - Can you have more than one of these on a screen?


Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 9.15.17 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 9.15.56 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 9.25.24 PM.png


Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 9.25.37 PM.png

2 Antworten

Have you been able to review the flow improvements in the Release notes?


What do you think?


Happy Holidays, Flownatics.


#Flownatics #Flow #Salesforce Flow
