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#CTA0 diskutieren mit

ACCELQ is thrilled to be Silver+ Sponsors at the Salesforce Architect Summit 2023! Join us on April 1st, 2023, in Pune for an exceptional event designed to help you grow in the #Salesforce ecosystem. This one-day event will cover everything from architectural patterns to industry best practices and design solutions.


Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to connect with ACCELQ and discover how we can add a special flavor to Salesforce #testing! Swing by our booth to learn more about our offerings and grab some cool swag while you're at it! Enroll today, and we'll see you at the #SalesforceArchitectSummit :


#SAS23 #sfarchsummit23 #CTA #journey2CTA #testautomation #softwaretesting 

ACCELQ is thrilled to be Silver+ Sponsors at the Salesforce Architect Summit 2023! Join us on April 1st, 2023, in Pune for an exceptional event designed to help you grow in the ecosystem.


On your CTA journey you will face many struggles and challenges that are uniquely yours and unexpected outside the subject matter.

It’s critical in the face of these challenges that you are self-aware. Nadina Lisbon did a great job of describing what this means and how she handled it in her own way on this podcast recording

For anyone else who is considering or already on their CTA journey, this is an important account to take note of and perhaps (re)set your expectations.

#CTA Prep #CTA

I noticed a majority of candidates are using Mac and my understanding is that the remote system that you access during the exam is also Mac. Do you have an option to choose Windows OS for the exam or everyone expected to work with Macs? I am trying to determine if I should switch to Mac so I am sufficiently used to it for the exam. @Suzanne Ferguson @Alexis Ardito  

3 Antworten
  1. 2. Aug. 2022, 00:26

    @Ahsan Zafar you will be accessing the proctor's machine (which you can request to be a Mac or a PC) using your own personal computer. However, do keep in mind that because you will be working in Google Drive, functionality and features will be the same regardless of whether or not the proctor machine is a Mac or a PC. So the type of computer is less important than being able to navigate Google Drive. Hope this helps!


Hi everyone, by way of background I've been working with Salesforce since 2017 and with enterprise level architecture since 2012. I'm currently beginning my studying for CTA and am wondering if anyone can recommend/OR/wants to form a virtual study group? Realistically I am probably 6 months out from taking the initial CTA review exam and then another 4 or 5 from the board exam itself. Anyway figured I'd reach out to the group - please let me know if this is of interest!! #CTA #CTA Prep

5 Antworten

CTA Pro Tip Number 6


Today's tip is around Integration. Salesforce has their buzzwords (RPI-Request-Reply, RPI-Fire&Forget, Batch Data Sync) which are obviously great to know and good to put down in your answer. But, behind this you really need to have a solid and practical understanding of how an integration flow would work. Lets take an example. If you are going to synchronize a change to an Account record from Salesforce to SAP, how exactly would you do it? How would you notify middleware of the change? What would you do in the event of an error occuring? Would you block edits to the record whilst a sync is in progress? Think about these things and have a solid flow and approach in your CTA toolkit before appearing for the board.

1 Kommentar
  1. 26. Feb. 2022, 01:36

    @Mitesh Mistry

    Typically synchronous calls would be short-lived (default 10 secs for a callout in salesforce). Blocking an update while sync call is happening might be super important for mission-critical apps and most other apps should be fine with transaction isolation levels set up by salesforce database servers. Have you come across "blocking an update" scenarios very often?


#てきめし ご来場いただきありがとうございました。



#CTA601 ついてちゃんと話せてないので、ご質問などありましたら遠慮なくどうぞ!




@Takahito Miyamoto sanの資料もconnpassからご覧になれますのでこちらもぜひ。


#CTA601 #CTA 

2 Kommentare

Hello Architect Community! , 


I have Started Journey towards CTA Certification and would like to Join Study group with Some of you who is going though this Journey. Please let me know if there is any Study Group (Community) which I can be Part of.  


#CTA #Salesforce Architect


Hi Folks,


I am currently studying for the Development Lifecycle and Deployment Cert. I passed my Application Architect exams primarily by using FocusOnForce, but it does not currently offer study guides for the System-side exams.


Does anyone know of a consolidated and reputable study resource for this exam?




Hello everybody,

Does anyone know if it's possible to track click through rate of "mailto: %%assigned_user_mail%%"? It shows a question mark on heatmap key which makes us unable to see how many people actually used it. Thank you!

2 Kommentare
  1. 9. März 2021, 16:32


    When you put a link into an email, upon send Pardot re-writes and encodes all links which begin with "http" and "https". Each link is rewritten and encoded, and is unique to each recipient.

    Then when the rewritten link in the email is clicked, the click actually takes the person briefly "through" the Pardot web servers on the way to the destination page.

    It's completely invisible to the email recipient, but this is how Pardot knows a link was clicked - the pass through the Pardot servers.

    Unfortunately, "mailto" links do not ever travel through a Pardot server - they instead pop open the person's personal email program (Outlook, or gmail, or apple mail or whatever).

    So it's impossible to track the clicks on those, and it did not change with HML.
