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I'm working through the Agentforce trailheads, and I've come across two issues. One is that the Agent cannot retrieve the email and membership number, despite having carried out the previous steps to set this up. I then went to check that the actions had been configured correctly and I cannot see any actions for the Topic. Hs anyone else come across this issue recently?    

9 Antworten
  1. 24. Jan., 13:02

    Hi @Nic Flook I am a member of Trailhead Help, Can you please check with the above suggestions and let us know if the issue still exists or is resolved? If it is resolved, please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query as it "Best Answer" to close this thread. If not, kindly provide a few more details of the badge along with the error message. Thank You!  


