Hi Team,
I am unable to complete this https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/projects/create-a-data-stream-in-data-cloud/get-started-with-a-data-cloud-developer-edition
I don't see any option to create the playground, however I received any email and I have reset the password.
Please can you help me create a new org for the Data cloud so I can "connect playground" and continue with the trailhead.
Hi, @Ranitha Dudhani
If you received an email with a password reset link and created a new password, refresh the Challenge page, and you will see the Connect Playground button at the top.
Log in using the Username (provided in the instructions on the green background) and the Password you created.
After that, you will be able to launch this Playground.
If this option is not available, you need to contact the Salesforce Help Team and ask them to delete this Salesforce Org for you, after which you will be able to create a new one.
Mykhailo Vdovychenko
Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ