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New Playground was created. CLI was download and >sf update command executed successfully. Visual Studio Code with the SF Extension Pack (Expanded) was previously installed.

We set up the new Dreamhouse project with SFDX: Create Project.

When we were asked to run SFDX: Authorize an Org it was not found in the Command Prompt of Visual Studio Code.   Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


#Trailhead Challenges

5 Antworten
  1. 8. Jan., 10:29

    @Richard Tanner Thank you for your feedback.

    These are great news that you were able to solve your problem and can now move forward. 



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ

  2. 7. Jan., 15:02


    When the CLI was installed (December 2024), it set up C:\Program Files\sfdx\bin in the global environment path. 

    Salesforce CLI Command Reference | Salesforce Developers 

    Indicates that sfdx commands were deprecated on June 12 2024. 

    Using Windows command prompt, we confirmed there was no ‘C:\Program Files\sfdx\bin’. 

    There was ‘C:\Program Files\sf\bin’ present, so we made the necessary change in the global environment path.   


    We re-opened Visual Studio Code and reopened the Dreamhouse folder.  The application could see all of the SFDX commands, but a warning came up the Java Development Kit (JDK) was out of date and failed. 

    After we installed the 17.0.8 JDK and reopened Visual Studio Code/Dreamhouse folder everything worked as expected. 

  3. 7. Jan., 14:21

    Hi @Richard Tanner I am a member of Trailhead Help, We see that you have successfully completed the badge Get Started with Salesforce Development. Please post the solution or mark any one of them above which helped you to resolve your query and mark it "Best Answer" to close this thread, and also it might help the fellow Trailblazer's who are facing the similar issue. Thank You!  

  4. 2. Jan., 18:43

    Hi, @Richard Tanner



    Also too, make sure if you installed and activated all Salesforce Extenshions for VS Code, like as mentioned in this Challenge



    Mykhailo Vdovychenko 

    Bringing Cloud Excellence with IBVCLOUD OÜ
