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I have a list in marketing cloud that is populated based on contacts being members of a campaign in Salesforce. the campaign has around 60,000 members. We sent out an email before the weekend and it only sent it to 49,000 people. I have done some sampling of contacts in both Salesforce and Marketing Cloud, there is a handful of people that are unsubscribed in the Salesforce campaign but not even 500. When I search members of the campaign that have received fewer emails then what we would expect and search their email address in marketing cloud they do not show up at all. Does anyone have any ideas what might be happening to them. At first I thought it might be unsubscribes but that should show in Salesforce or at least still show the contact in Marketing cloud wouldn't it? Any help would be great   

3 Antworten
  1. 26. Feb., 13:38

    This is my go-to "flow" by @Jonas Lamberty - explaining why your email might not have been sent. As you can see, the root causes can be many, but following this guide for one or more recipients to who the emails were not sent (despite them being included in the sendable data extension) will be a really good place to start! 

    This is my go-to


     You might want to download the PNG or open it on a new tab, to see it in full details.
